Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Workplace Diversity And Time Off For Religious Observances
Chess International Memorandum To: All Project Team Managers Members From: HR Director Date: 10/26/2016 RE: Workplace Diversity and Time Off for Religious Observances At Chess INTL, Diversity is a mentality, not just strategic imperative. Having a workforce which is diverse in background and life experience contributes positively towards meeting Chess International’s vision and adopting the shared approach and Values outlined in our Corporate Plan. Valuing these differences is the cornerstone of our Workplace Diversity and will support us in meeting our business objectives as well as enhancing our ability to meet the needs and expectations of our clients. The benefits of cultural diversity for your business include: †¢ a positive public image as an employer of choice †¢ brand differentiation based on targeted marketing †¢ innovation, creativity and enhanced problem-solving †¢ expanded markets through employees’ cultural connections Maximizing the benefits of a culturally diverse workforce can be achieved through effective workforce planning. Our Policies were formed by current enforcement by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) Chess INTL Recommendations on Reasonable Accommodation of Religious Beliefs and Practices - Reasonable Accommodation †¢ Make reasonable efforts to accommodate the employees’ religious practices. †¢ Individually assess each request and avoid assumptions or stereotypes about whatShow MoreRelatedDiversity in the Workplace Essay examples1414 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract This paper is aimed at providing a framework for discussion of diversity and how it pairs with demographic characteristics. It is divided into four parts. Part I represents diversity in the workforce, which reflects the rational of organizations and how they handle diversity in the occupations of their workers. Parts II characterize diversity and age, as it responds to the fact that older people have the skill set to keep them working well past retirement age. 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