Sunday, August 23, 2020
Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10
Business Law - Assignment Example USA), the Supreme Court really ruled against the Pasquantinos, contending that they have been blameworthy in disregarding Federal Wire Fraud laws. For this situation, I don’t feel that the Pasquantinos and the Hilts would not have the option to prevail in their lawful contention, given that the idea of the law was against pirating, the very wrongdoing that the Pasquantinos and the Hilts submitted. In the interim, with respect to the third case (USA v. Dotterweich); I imagine that he should even now be considered criminally liable for damaging the Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act. Despite the fact that it might be contended that he may have not taken an interest straightforwardly in transportation misbranded medications, this reality doesn't expel his duty to guarantee that his business is really conforming to all measures and guidelines that are being implemented by the state. For this situation, given that it is as yet his organization, such inability to consent to guidelines is completely inside his
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Justin Hanson Essays - Fiction, Dungeons Dragons, Fantasy, Dragon
Justin Hanson Period 2 Mrs. Fouhs 1/12/16 David On an island north of England there is a town. This town holds a gathering of individuals that don't know about advances that have advanced all through time. They are still in houses worked by them and homestead there food have no power or anything like that. What's more, in the town there is a kid who is called David. He lives in a house not any greater than the rest but rather off the beaten path in its own little zone of the island. His folks both treat him with no regard and are harsh. At whatever point his folks would blow up he would flee into his small concealing spot in a precipice close to the sea. At the point when he would go in this precipice he would plunk down and cry wishing he had another person for guardians or that he had a companion to assist him with managing the agony and enduring he is persevering. In this passage it dives deep yet David has not gone right in on the grounds that when he comes here he had no interest and no push to do anything besides cry. One day he was heading off to his home and saw his folks battling in the house so as opposed to going in he went straight into the cavern and plunked down. Rather than crying he suspected he would wander further into the cavern believing that it may hold something that can get him out of this agonizing circumstance. The cavern went further and more profound until he was in the focal point of the island, however underneath everything. As he went in it got hotter and hotter as though there was a goliath fire somewhere inside. At the point when he was strolling and perspiring from the beating heat he saw a piece of the passage that lead into an open space multiple times his homes size however underground. In the room was something unforeseen yet satisfying simultaneously. There in the middle resting was a Dragon with sharp hooks and a profound maroon shading to it, its wings acting like a cover over the whole thing. In spite of the fact that it was a Dragon David despite everything needed to see all the more so he circumvented the Dragon looking it over from head to toe respecting the animal. Before long David got frightened and was beginning to leave yet he stumbled over a stone and arrived on the Dragons head. That woke up the Dragon and it stayed there taking a gander at him with its profound du ll eyes that indicated only idea. Following a second or two the mythical serpent began extending its wings and moving its legs strolling around yet ever as yet watching David solidified by dread. The mythical beast as opposed to eating him talked, and said I definitely know what your identity is and why you are here the inquiry is how might I help you. David astounded that the monster talked he despite everything remained there seeing him astonished and befuddled in view of the Dragon. Following a couple of moments David recovered his brains and said what do you mean, how might I help you? after all he is just human and this is a brilliant mythical beast that can inhale fire and fly. The mythical serpent answered I realize you are in a predicament and I can't get that so I need you to ask me what you need since I can't mention to you what you need or I would as of now be doing it. Well the kid said I could utilize some assistance leaving and not living with my folks and I would be in your obligation. The Dragon considering the offer remained there and in the long run concurred with the proposition. Also, said bounce on I can remove you from this spot now that would have been decent however how would you ride a winged serpent? So I went ready and got its horns and bounced up onto its back planning to not slide off holding his horns with my life actually. The mythical serpent went to the opposite side of the passage and was going further in until we came out on the opposite side of the island. The
Friday, August 21, 2020
Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Survey - Essay Example The article specifies that in the time of 1999, 38% of the young people in the United States went through their cash in places of worship. The article expresses that youthful grown-ups have lower pay assets and monetary steadiness when contrasted with grown-ups of the general public and still, in 2004, the analysts found that 3 out of each 10 youthful grown-ups gave cash to holy places when contrasted with 6 out of 10 grown-ups. Along these lines, we see that the pace of contributor youthful grown-ups is practically 50% of the more seasoned grown-ups, which is excellent for the period of youthful grown-ups. The article further notices that the legislature of the United States hopes to extend almost $15 trillion as a â€Å"intergenerational move of wealth†between years 2006 and 2021. This is a lot of cash that is moved among the friends of an age, and the age being talked about here is the youthful grown-ups. This implies, youthful grown-ups of the general public are mindful e nough to think how to spare additional bucks and spend them in good cause with the goal that some needy individual is assisted of his agonies. This is really the real love for humankind which is the genuine pith of magnanimity. The article likewise recommends that youthful grown-ups will in general give increasingly volunteer time when contrasted with more seasoned grown-ups, in the event that they have next to no to give to noble cause.
Planning of Tourism and Systems Samples †
Question: Talk about the Planning of Tourism and Systems. Answer: The arranging of the travel industry is the execution of the systems and the arrangements at a neighborhood level, which helps in offsetting the relationship with the arranging of the travel industry that is occurring at a national level (Sinclair-Maragh Gursoy, 2016). The procedure of the travel industry arranging is that where the examples of administrative exercises are influenced through the top-down procedure of the executives, as the bosses are responsible for settling on the choices with respect to the way toward arranging. The subordinates then again need to complete the procedure of usage with the goal that the ideal outcome can be accomplished. The unsure course of action of the foundation inside the way toward arranging encourages the exercises to be completed in a superior procedure with the goal that the plans can be actualized in an effective way. The idea of the courses of action will help in hindering or encouraging the procedure of exercises, which is subject to the idea of the arrangement (Marzuki Hay, 2013). The relative preferred position will help the partners in improving perspective on the capacities and the ideas that are available in a specific area of a nation with the goal that the expense of assembling the merchandise and the administrations can be less when contrasted with different nations. To place it in a less difficult manner, the products and the administrations that will be created inside the nation must be at a less expensive rate when it is contrasted and the expense of assembling of very similar things in various nations. Various specialists are of the assessment that the nation will build up its economy if the expense of assembling the merchandise and the administrations are done at a less expensive rate when contrasted with different districts. This will be gainful and bring about a positive way for the improvement of a particular area. David Ricardo was the main individual who had instituted the term relative preferred position, which helped in connoting the differe nt procedures that would help in the age of the different items at a lower cost than the various nations (Kompullla, 2014). This hypothesis is available in financial aspects that helps in creating incomes from the business, which is available in a specific nation. The accessibility of the characteristic assets alongside the procedures of innovation will help in recognizing the specific business from the remainder of the nations. The hypothesis that is available in financial aspects has no correlation with the creation and other money related expenses yet lays accentuation on the open door cost (Stylidis et al., 2014). As for the contextual analysis, it very well may be seen that the Clipper Bay zone has maintained its emphasis on an economy that is single, which is the marine life alongside the investigation of the way of life and the beautiful magnificence that the spot offers. The administration needs to support up the economy by taking in to thought the travel industry viewpoint that will help in producing income for the specific spot. The development that would occur in the travel industry segment will help in changing the way of life and the nature of the individuals who are dwelling in the Clipper Bay territory. The qualities that are accessible in the territory must be distinguished by the partners with the goal that it very well may be promoted for building up the zone. This methodology will help in the development of monetary conditions that is available alongside the lift in the travel industry segment (Bunakov et al., 2015). Reasonable improvement of the travel industry will occur if an arrangement is built up that will be adaptable in nature. This procedure of advancement may not be constrained to a positive procedure however may attempt to discover choices in the middle of so the procedure of improvement doesn't get harmed. The procedure needs to modify itself that are set down with the guidelines and guidelines from the perspective of legislative issues and society (Weaver, 2014). The zone will be beneficial if the methodology of feasible advancement can be picked, as it will help in assessing the effects that may happen on nature, people and their way of life. One of the significant variables will be instruction, which will help in showing signs of improvement comprehension of the negative and the positive effects that may happen with reasonable the travel industry. The appropriation and the expense of this kind of the travel industry will help in dispose of the imposing business model force that mig ht be available in the spot (Bodosca Streimkiene, 2015). The advancement of the nearby ventures will happen, as the financial specialists will see that it is advanced among the neighborhood inhabitants by dispersing exceptional plans of impetuses for the endurance of craftsmanship. This in a manner will help in drawing in the visitors, as the impact of the nearby enterprises will be immediate, which will help in the coordination among the ventures and the travelers. The degree of work inside the network will ascend, as the vast majority of the inhabitants will attempt to move from their day by day jobs to different types of occupation that may develop with the ascent of the travel industry in the region. The inflow of outside cash will be high, which will rate in a higher pace of trade for the zone. This will help in building up the economy of the spot, which will offer ascent to a high buy and spending limit among the nearby residents (Ellis Sheridan, 2014). The creators Poudel, Nyaupane and Budruk (2016) had expressed that the improvement of the transportation, correspondence and foundation will help the inhabitants in managing their day by day needs. The nearby government must be included so it can help in uniting the financial specialists for the improvement of the spot with their speculations. This will bring about pooling all the assets from the partners with the goal that the procedure of dynamic should be possible in an easier way. There must be balance between the interests of the partners so choices can b e made in a joint way without offering ascend to any errors. The insurance of the normal assets that are accessible in the Clipper Bay region will occur with the joint choices that will be taken by the partners. Thinking in an appropriate manner and dealing with the assets in a legitimate way will help in giving the most ideal courses through which the terrains can be utilized alongside different techniques that will guarantee the insurance of the earth. The partners have a significant influence in setting up the travel industry division around the Clipper Bay zone. The financial specialists will incorporate the providers of different items, the administration that is dynamic, private speculators and the neighborhood residents of the spot. The improvement of the economy in a specific locale must be finished by the partners. As per various looks into that are directed, it is seen that the dynamic interest of the partners is significant for the improvement of the travel industry in a specific locale. The element of achievement relies upon connecting with the nearby residents so the travel industry of the spot can be created, as better input can be gathered from the sightseers on a customary way when they travel to these regions (Ruhanen, 2013). The matter of the partners will be significant for the travel industry factor, as it will help in building up the region. The neighborhood vacationers need to know the territory in a superior manner with the goal that they can too visit the zone. This will give them a chance to give appropriate audit about the spot that will be created in another manner. This will clear an approach to pull in the remote vacationers also in the zone. The interest and gracefully of the infrastructural offices alongside the HR must be kept up by the partners with the goal that it can help in making a positive effect on the visitors (Mowforth Munt, 2015). The procedures that are identified with supportable the travel industry must be taken up by the partners so the instrument of basic intrigue can be created and worked together inside the territory. The main consideration that may cause an issue is the associations and the assets, which must be settled with the goal that travel industry can be created in a supportable way (Ruhanen, 2013). The financial favorable circumstances that the spot may get are that it will offer ascent to work, as the residents may move from the standard angling business. The people in the future that are available in the region may differentiate their work and may work as visit manages or may serve in the various eateries that might be worked to take into account the requirements of the voyagers. This will help in boosting up of the business, for example, give work chances to the ladies also, for example, weaving. This can help in improving the economy of the spot (Webster Ivanov, 2014). The ability to spend by local people will increment, as there will be a tremendous income because of the expansion in visitors. The lives of the nearby individuals will change in a superior manner, as they will have the option to comprehend the important prerequisites in their day by day lives. The inhabitants will have a more extensive viewpoint with the methods of changing their clothing types, human services offices and their dietary patterns. The ascent in the remote cash will help in expanding the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the territory. It will likewise fill in as a multiplier that will help in boosting up of the economy, as the outside monetary forms will be moved back in to the framework for the further advancement of the spot (Murphy, 2013). The economy will be enhanced inside the territory, as the occupants will have different alternatives separated from the angling exercises. The broadening of the business exercises will go about as hero during the occasions when the ocean won't be accessible for angling exercises, as the individuals will search for options. The Clipper Bay zone can't endure dependent on angling, as the lives of the neighborhood individuals might be in danger when they are out in the waters. Thusly, the enhancement of business will help in guaranteeing their endurance (Webster Ivanov, 2014). The burdens regarding economy are that the neighborhood networks that are accessible in the region may feel that their private lives are being intrud
Friday, July 10, 2020
Research Paper Helps Online - 5 Tips For Getting a Great Help With Your Research Paper
Research Paper Helps Online - 5 Tips For Getting a Great Help With Your Research PaperIf you are a student, you may want to get hold of some help with your research paper from online resources. Here are some ways to help you and help yourself.First, get in touch with your academic support service and make sure that they have a position open. When it comes to your research paper, the services will provide you with a lot of advice. They will be able to suggest you a well-established course outline.Secondly, get hold of a good research paper help online resource. Such an online resource will provide you with a lot of information regarding research papers. You can read online about the structure and format for your research paper. You can also find some help when it comes to the best method of study that you should follow.Thirdly, get hold of a great help with your research paper online resource. You can find useful tips and strategies for your research paper.Fourthly, seek professional assistance if you have a research paper to finish. There are some online tools that offer help with research papers, which you can access by logging on to their website.Fifthly, seek help with your online research paper from online resources. They will help you get the right study material and information for your research paper.It is important that you get hold of help with your research paper from a competent online research help tool. The online tools are able to help you with all your work at home homework assignments and paper related problems.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Tata Corus Case - Free Essay Example
Abstract: |On January 31, 2007, Tata Steel Limited (Tata Steel), one of the |[pic][pic][pic] | |leading steel producers in India, acquired the Anglo Dutch steel | | |producer Corus Group Plc (Corus) for US$ 12. 11 billion (â‚ ¬ 8. 5 | | |billion). The process of acquisition concluded only after nine | | |rounds of bidding against the other bidder for Corus the Brazil | | |based Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN). | | | | | |This acquisition was the biggest overseas acquisition by an Indian| | |company. Tata Steel emerged as the fifth largest steel producer in| | |the world after the acquisition. The acquisition gave Tata Steel | | |access to Corus strong distribution network in Europe. | | Corus expertise in making the grades of steel used in automobiles and in aerospace could be used to boost Tata Steels supplies to the Indian automobile market. Corus in turn was expected to benefit from Tata Steels expertise in low cost manufacturing of steel. However, some financial experts claimed that the price paid by Tata Steel (608 pence per share of Corus) for the acquisition was too high. Corus had been facing tough times and had reported a substantial decline in profit after tax in the year 2006. Analysts asked whether the deal would really bring any substantial benefits to Tata Steel. Moreover, since the acquisition was done through an all cash deal, analysts said that the acquisition would be a financial burden for Tata Steel. Issues:  » Gain an in-depth knowledge about various corporate valuation techniques. Critically examine the rationale behind the acquisition of Corus by Tata Steel.  » Understand the advantages and disadvantages of cross-border acquisitions.  » Understand the need for growth through acquisitions in foreign countries.  » Study the regulations governing mergers acquisitions in the case of a cross-border acquisition.  » Get insights into the consolidation trends in the Indian and global steel industries. Contents: | |Page No. |Introduction |1 | |Background Note |2 | |Tata Steel Vs CSN: The Bidding War |4 | |Financing the Acquisition |5 | |The Integration Efforts |7 | |The Synergies |8 | |The Pitfalls |9 | |The Road Ahead |10 | |Exhibits | | The financials for this deal [require] high performance levels, perfect post-deal execution and sustained high steel prices. It is a risky game and will be okay for Tata as long as the economy is growing and no major bumps occur. If [these bumps] do occur, they can become a challenge, and I am reminded of the high leverage days of the mid-1980s. 1 Vivek Gupta, Managing Director, AT Kearney (India), in February 2007. Indian steel companies are on a consolidation mode. The Tata-Corus deal has set many records. So far, the only $1 billion-plus deal was done by ONGC, and its the first milestone for India Inc, with the Tata deal crossing $10 billion mark. Its a landmark deal since an Indian company has taken over an international company three times its size. 2 S. Mukherji, Managing Director, ICICI Securities, in February 2007. Introduction |On January 31, 2007, India based Tata Steel Limited (Tata Steel) |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | |acquired the Anglo Dutch steel company, Corus Group Plc (Corus) | | |for US$ 13. 0 billion3. The merged entity, Tata-Corus, employed | | |84,000 people across 45 countries in the world. It had the | | |capacity to produce 27 million tons of steel per annum, making it | | |the fifth largest steel producer in the world as of early 2007 | | |(Refer Exhibit I for the top ten players in the steel industry | | |after the merger). Commenting on the acquisition, Ratan Tata, | | |Chairman, Tata Sons, said, Together, we are a well balanced | | |company, strategically well placed to compete at the leading edge | | |of a rapidly changing global steel industry. 4 | | Tata Steel outbid the Brazilian steelmaker Companhia Siderurgica Nacionals (CSN) final offer of 603 pence per share by offering 608 pence per sh are to acquire Corus. |[pic][pic][pic] |Tata Steel had first offered to pay 455 pence per share of Corus, | | |to close the deal at US$ 7. 6 billion on October 17, 2006. CSN then| | |offered 475 pence per share of Corus on November 17, 2006. | | | | | |Finally, an auction5 was initiated on January 31, 2007, and after | | |nine rounds of bidding, Steel could finally clinch the deal with | | |its final bid 608 pence per share, almost 34% higher than the | | |first bid of 455 pence per share of Corus. | | | | |Many analysts and industry experts felt that the acquisition deal | | |was rather expensive for Tata Steel and this move would overvalue | | |the steel industry world over. | Tata Steels Acquisition of Corus Next Page [pic] Top of Form |[pic] |[pic]Enter your search terms [pic]Submit search form [pic] | |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | Bottom of Form [pic] [pic] | | | |[pic] | |Marketing Financial Products |Case Studies in Finance Vol III | |Tex tbooks Collection |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |Case Study Volumes Collection | 1] Did Tata Steel Overheat in its Zeal to Win Corus? [emailprotected], February 08, 2007. ] Tata Win Booster for Corporate Indias Confidence, The Economic Times, February 01, 2007. 3] As on January 31, 2007, 1 US Dollar = 44. 18 INR and 1 Pound = 86. 73 INR. 4] Tata Steel Completes Acquisition of European Steelmaker Corus, International Herald Tribune, April 03, 2007. 5] Since Tata Steel and CSN could not declare their final offer by January 31, 2007, an auction had to be initiated by The Takeover Panel which oversees mergers and acquisitions in the UK. Introduction Contd |Commenting on the deal, Sajjan Jindal, Managing Director, Jindal |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | |South West Steel said, The price paid is expensive ll steel | | |companies may get re-rated now but its a good deal for the | | |industry. 6 Despite the worries of the deal being expensive for | | |Tata Steel, industry experts were optimistic that the deal would | | |enhance Indias position in the global steel industry with the | | |worlds largest7 and fifth largest steel producers having roots in| | |the country. Stressing on the synergies that could arise from this| | |acquisition, Phanish Puram, Professor of Strategic and | | |International Management, London Business School said, The | | |Tata-Corus deal is different because it links low-cost Indian | | |production and raw materials and growth markets to high-margin | | |markets and high technology in the West. | | The cost advantage of operating from India can be leveraged in Western markets, and differentiation based on better technology from Corus can work in the Asian markets. 8 |[pic][pic][pic] |Background Note | | |Tata Steel | | | | | |Tata Steel is a part of the Tata Group, one of the largest | | |diversified business conglomerates in India. Tata Group companies | | |generated revenues of Rs. 967,229 million in the financial year | | |2005-06. | | | | |The groups market capitalization was US$ 63 billion as of July | | |2007 (only 28 of the 96 Tata Group companies were publicly | | |listed). In 1907, Jamshedji Tata established Tata Steel at Sakchi | | |in West Bengal. The site had a good supply of iron ore and | | |water | Excerpts Tata Steel Vs CSN: The Bidding War There was a heavy speculation surrounding Tata Steels proposed takeover of Corus ever since Ratan Tata had met Leng in Dubai, in July 2006. On October 17, 2006, Tata Steel made an offer of 455 pence a share in cash valuing the acquisition deal at US$ 7. 6 billion. Corus responded positively to the offer on October 20, 2006. Agreeing to the takeover, Leng said, This combination with Tata, |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | |for Corus shareholders and employees alike, represents the right | | |partner at the right time at the right price and on the right | | |terms. In the first week of November 2006, there were reports in | | |media that Tata was joining hands with Corus to acquire the | | |Brazilian steel giant CSN which was itself keen on acquiring | | |Corus. On November 17, 2006, CSN formally entered the foray for | | |acquiring Corus with a bid of 475 pence per share. In the light of| | |CSNs offer, Corus announced that it would defer its extraordinary| | |meeting of shareholders to December 20, 2006 from December 04, | | |2006, in order to allow counter offers from Tata Steel and CSN | | Financing the Acquisition By the first week of April 2007, the final draft of the financing structure of the acquisition was worked out and was presented to the Corus Pension Trusties and the Works Council by the senior management of Tata Steel. The enterprise value of Corus including debt and other costs was estimated at US$ 13. 7 billion (Refer Table I for fund raising mix for the Corus acquisition) [pic][pic][pic] |The Integration Efforts | | |Industry experts felt that Tata Steel should adopt a light handed| | |integrationapproach, which meant that Ratan Tata should bring in | | |some changes in Corus but not attempt a complete overhaul of | | |Corussystems (Refer Exhibit XI and Exhibit XII for projected | | |financials of Tata-Corus). N Venkiteswaran, Professor, Indian | | |Institute of Management, Ahmedabad said, â€Å"If the target company is| | |managed well, there is no need for a heavy-handed integration. It | | |makes sense for the Tatas to allow the existing management to | | |continue as before | The Synergies |Most experts were of the opinion that the acquisition did make |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | |strategic sense for Tata Steel. After successfully acquiring | |Corus, Tata Steel became the fifth largest producer of steel in | | |the world, up from fifty-sixth position. | | | | | |There were many likely synergies between Tata Steel, the | | |lowest-cost producer of steel in the world, and Corus, a large | | |player with a significant presence in value-added steel segment | | |and a strong distribution network in Europe. Among the benefits to| | |Tata Steel was the fact that it would be able to supply | | |semi-finished steel to Corus for finishing at its plants, which | | |were located closer to the high-value markets | | The Pitfalls Though the potential benefits of the Corus deal were widely appreciated, some analysts had doubts about the outcome and effects on Tata Steels performance. They pointed out that Corus EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) at 8 percent was much lower than that of Tata Steel which was at 30 percent in the financial year 2006-07 [pic][pic][pic] |The Road Ahead | | |Before the acquisition, the major market for Tata Steel was India. | | |The Indian market accounted for sixty nine percent of the | | |companys total sales. | | | | | |Almost half of Corus production of steel was sold in Europe | | |(excluding UK). The UK consumed twenty nine percent of its | | |production. | | | | | |After the acquisition, the European market (in cluding UK) would | | |consume 59 percent of the merged entitys total production (Refer | | |Table III for the spread of Tata-Corus markets before and after | | |the acquisition) |Tata Steels Acquisition of Corus | |Top of Form | |Case Details | |++ Font | Font | |Case Intro 1 | |Bottom of Form | |Case Intro 2 | | | |Excerpts | | | | | |ICMR HOME | Case Studies Collection | | | | | | | |Case Details: | | | | | | | |Case Code : FINC049 | | | |Case Length : 27 Pages | | | |Period : 2006-2007 | | | |Pub. Date : 2008 | | | |Teaching Note : Available | | | |Organization : Tata Steel Limited, Corus Group Plc | | | |Industry : Iron Steel | | | |Countries : India, Netherlands | | | | | | | |To download Tata Steels Acquisition of Corus case study | | | |(Case Code: FINC049) click on the button below, and select | | | |the case from the list of available cases: | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | |Price: | | | | | | | |For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 00; | | | |For delivery thro ugh courier (within India): Rs. 400 + Rs. | | | |25 for Shipping Handling Charges | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |Gadgets powered by Google | | | | | | | | » Finance Case Studies | | | | » Short Case Studies | | | | » View Detailed Pricing Info | | | | » How To Order This Case | | | | » Business Case Studies | | | | » Case Studies by Area | | | | » Case Studies by Industry | | | | » Case Studies by Company | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |Top of Form | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic][pic][pic] | | | | | | | |[pic]Web | | | |[pic]icmrindia. rg | | | | | | | |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | | | | | | | |Bottom of Form | | | |[pic][pic] | | | |[pic] | | | |Please note: | | | | | | | |This case study was compiled from published sources, and is| | | |intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is | | | |not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective | | | |handling of a management situation. Nor is it a p rimary | | | |information source. | |[pic][pic][pic] | | | |
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Use of Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye and The...
Use Of Symbolism In The Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby There are many writers like James Joyce, Patrick Kananach and Thomas Moore who use symbolism to convey and support indirect meaning in their writings. J.D. Salinger and F. Scott Fitzgerald both use symbolism in similar ways. In both The Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby, the authors used symbolism to convey emotions and reality. In The Catcher In The Rye, J.D. Salinger uses Holdens red hunting cap, the exhibits at the Museum of Natural History and kings in the back row as symbols whose meanings help tell the story. Holdens red hunting hat stands for Holdens disapproval of adult society and phonies. Although, Holden and his hat are out of place in New†¦show more content†¦Fitzgerald also uses colors for symbolism. The color white is used many times in the story. The author uses white to describe Gatsbys clothes and his mansion. The color white represents Gatsbys innocence and pure heart. The color yellow is also used throughout the story as a symbol of corruption and death. The car that Gatsby drives was yellow and his yellow car killed Myrtle. The flower that Daisy is named after is white on the outside and yellow in the middle. Daisy seems innocent on the outside, but her real character is as corrupt and greedy as Toms. Throughout The Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby, symbolism is used to paint mental pictures for the reader. The symbols used allow the reader to foresee the characters emotions, beliefs and values. Ultimately, the authors uses of symbols make both novels more interesting andShow MoreRelated Use Of Symbolism In The Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby804 Words  | 4 PagesUse Of Symbolism In â€Å"The Catcher In The Rye†and â€Å"The Great Gatsby†There are many writers like James Joyce, Patrick Kananach and Thomas Moore who use symbolism to convey and support indirect meaning in their writings. J.D. Salinger and F. Scott Fitzgerald both use symbolism in similar ways. In both â€Å"The Catcher In The Rye†and â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, the authors used symbolism to convey emotions and reality.      In â€Å"The Catcher In The Rye†, J.D. Salinger uses Holden’s red hunting cap, the exhibitsRead MoreLiterary Features in The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye1158 Words  | 5 Pages Symbolism is used in different ways in both the novels, ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ and I have explored the ways in which two different authors have used this literary feature to enhance meaning behind their novels. Fitzgerald uses colour imagery throughout ‘The Great Gatsby’, especially using the colour white which cleverly changes meaning as the story progresses. When the reader is first introduced to both Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker, they are first described as beingRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald3044 Words  | 13 Pagesof personal happiness and material comfort. The central theme of both ‘The Great Gatsby’, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, by J.D Salinger, is American lifestyle and mind-set during a time of prosperity. Both texts suggest that changes to American culture causes disappointment as many spent their life searching for the false sense of perfection that the American dream offered. In ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ Holden Caulfield, a boy with extremely high standards finds society and AmericanRead More Mythology and Archetypes in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird2536 Words  | 11 Pagesall the various approaches to criticism, the Mythological/Archetypal achieves the greatest impact over the entire literary scope, because the themes and patterns unearthed apply universally to all works, yielding results that can be applied to a great many texts. This is because the very nature of the Mythological/Archetypal approach is the exploration of the canon for widespread and pe rvading symbols, plots, and characters. These are all greatly extant in Harper Lees classic novel To Kill aRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A New Hope 2190 Words  | 9 Pagesdirectly from the recent Suicide Squad movie, that features a team of rag-tag criminals brought together by the United States government to defeat a greater evil. These villains are kept in control by threat of bombs implanted in their heads, and the plot uses a teammate known as Slipknot to show the other characters, and the audience, the stakes of disobeying orders by detonating said bomb when he attempts escape. This character was never given a background as all of the other characters on the team hadRead MoreMedia Magic Making Class Invisible2198 Words  | 9 Pagesdetermines what social class you are in; you can see how it affects lives. Mantsios is convincing in that, he has hard facts, (meaning that his examples are real true, and taken from a scholarly source), true lifestyles and data to show the reader. He uses secondary sources which are legitimate and the reader can choose to research it for themselves. Mantsios back himself up by using more than one source to prove his theory about test scores and what class you are in. Whether you choose to believe himRead MoreBrief Survey of American Literature3339 Words  | 14 PagesBrief Survey of American Literature 1. Beginnings to 1700 Great mixing of peoples from the whole Atlantic basin Bloody conflicts between Native Americans (or American Indians) and European explorers and settlers who had both religious and territorial aspirations - Native American oral literature / oral tradition - European explorers’ letters, diaries, reports, etc., such as Christopher Columbus’s letters about his voyage to the â€Å"New world†. - Anglo (New England) settlers’ books, sermons
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Deep Dark Secrets Behind The Reality Of Wwi - 1412 Words
Darkness Uncovered – The Deep Dark Secrets Behind The Reality of WWI The creation of Canada would be considered a feat in a general consensus, yet the public fails to recognize the dark and inhumane acts that built the country. The inclusion of exploitation and abuse of indigenous people are generally excluded or they are limited. In the First World War, indigenous people are heavily involved in the battlefront, supplying the Canadian army with more soldiers. The incredible achievements of these soldiers are often shadowed by the racial discrimination of white soldiers. In this paper, I will examine the moments in which achievements deemed as being â€Å"heroic†are described as â€Å"acts of savagery†. Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road illustrates the hidden truth behind the reality of what is generally perceived: the acts of indigenous heroism were known by the soldiers, but they are never formally recognized with fame. This can relate to the events that occurred in the creation of Canada; indigenous people whom volunteered themsel ves to become soldiers in the First World War are exploited and used many times without gaining anything in return. Colonialism stripped the indigenous people of their identity and replaces them with an â€Å"ideal†way of thinking and living. The ignorance of Xavier’s heroic acts in the war and Niska’s identity at home questions the normal conventional notions of heroism that is generally perceived in society. The narrative of war in Three Day Road is told byShow MoreRelatedIt is too Quiet in the After2618 Words  | 10 Pageslingered on the tip of your tongue and crept up your nose, kind of like when you smelled decaying flesh or the lingering scent of infection. It was not only quiet but cold and dark as well. It was too cold for the hot and steamy month of June. The chilly air was raw and jagged, like crisp snow on broken bones and the dark seeped into my white bedroom like bleeding ink on parchment paper. The only source of light was the faint grayish hue that the moon had casted, but even that was slowly melting
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact of Internet on Traditional News Media - 2001 Words
THE IMPACT OF INTERNET ON TRADITIONAL NEWS MEDIA 1 The impact of the Internet on traditional news media Lingyan Chen Fairleigh Dickinson University May 6th, 2013 THE IMPACT OF INTERNET ON TRADITIONAL NEWS MEDIA Abstract The study discusses the impact of the Internet on traditional media over time. Media research suggests that Internet would be allowed to exist with traditional news media at the same time, rather than killing off the traditional news media. The competitively relationship between use of the Internet and traditional media for news while managing for such demographic factors as gender and age, is also examined. A positive, rather than negative relationship was found†¦show more content†¦With specifically low usage rates by those younger than 30 years old (Kohut, 2002), newspaper use is positively related with age (Somerville, 2001). According to 2004 Consumer Power User Study, newspaper use is more frequent in demographic groups, especially with individuals ages 18 through 34 (Power User 2004, 2004). Also, most of respondents showed that newspaper reading was a welcome habit among the students and professionals in all the regions. Whereas, newspaper trust by readers has dropped from 80% in 1985 to 59% in 2003 (The state of the news media, 2004). 4 THE IMPACT OF INTERNET ON TRADITIONAL NEWS MEDIA The BEV study reports that users likely choose to obtain news from television rather than from newspapers. Approximately 53 percent of users adjusted TV news programming more than once per day. The role of television in specialist news media should not be neglected, because it is a trusted source of news. Television does mediatize for real. It produces a new discourse, which would be able to be known by a common public as soon as possible, more than just simply summarizes an old discourse. What’s more, television depends on ideas of news connected to people’s lives and environment. Nowadays,Show MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Internet On Traditional Media1652 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Internet on Traditional Media News Xiaoran Yang Z5047673 ï ¬ Introduction The Internet has become one of the most popular mediums that facilitating a variety of communication and information-sharing tasks from the past decades. Internet has an effect on the use of traditional media news at the same time. The advent of Internet has caused a challenge to traditional mediaRead MoreMedia, Television, And Media1404 Words  | 6 Pagesthe use of technology and media. Media is defined as â€Å"the means of communication as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely†(Media, n.d.). Not only is media used in public relations, but it is used in the daily lives of a majority of the world’s population. There are two types of media , traditional media and new media. Traditional media involves â€Å"television, newspaper, radio and magazine ads†(Christian, 2014) New media is recognized mainly with theRead More The Impact of Electronic Media and the Internet on Print Media1550 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Electronic Media and the Internet on Print Media New technology has developed rapidly since the birth of the internet, and it continues to expand and evolve affecting many domains, especially the print media. This essay will investigate the influence and impact of current technology of the electronic media and World Wide Web on print media, and how future developments in technology will affect the future direction of the traditional newspaper. The way in which â€Å"Bloggers†haveRead MoreThe Internet And New Media1504 Words  | 7 PagesIn the new millennium, the communication channels have advanced at an amazing rate, making it possible for two people separated by thousands of kilometers to get in contact and socialize as if they were face to face. 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This dissertation aims to identify and explore the use of the different social media platforms, focusing on the impact that the rise of social media has had on journalism practices. In addition, this paper will examine the public’s responses to the news that they receive through social media platforms. Examples of social media platforms that this dissertationRead MoreThe Effects Of Digital Media On Society s Media1714 Words  | 7 Pagesundeniable that the society is experiencing a mediated culture, where mass media have direct effects on our society. Newspapers, magazines, radios, and televisions constantly give out messages to promote products, attitudes, and ideas in an attempt to influence audiences. The effect is further enhanced when digital media, particularly the Internet, enters the competition for the limited supply of audience attention. The saturated mass media industry no longer has the benefit of reach it used to have, especiallyRead MoreThe Difference Between Building a Powerful Online Brand or Building a Powerful Brand Online1046 Words  | 5 Pagesbuilding a powerful brand online. The Internet is seen as a new marketing model, especially for direct marketing. Although it offers exciting potential for marketing communications (MarCom), it can rarely stand alone as a brand-building tool just as direct marketing cannot. Companies should utilize the Internet as a marketing mechanism, not the marketing mechanism, and strategically fit it into the overall MarCom mix. Many marketers are separating the Internet from the MarCom mix, forming independentRead MoreA Study on the Strategic Growth Future Prospect of E -Marketing in India1466 Words  | 6 Pagesof contemporary overview of changing face of Marketing in India. E-Marketing is the new face of these changing phenomena.’ As per general understanding of e-Marketing term is concerned, it is also referred as Internet Marketing, I-Marketing, Web Marketing, Online Marketing, or, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. As we all know that how the technology has changed the face of New India. As a result, e-Marketing has grown to gargantuan proportions as it has been able
Workplace Diversity And Time Off For Religious Observances
Chess International Memorandum To: All Project Team Managers Members From: HR Director Date: 10/26/2016 RE: Workplace Diversity and Time Off for Religious Observances At Chess INTL, Diversity is a mentality, not just strategic imperative. Having a workforce which is diverse in background and life experience contributes positively towards meeting Chess International’s vision and adopting the shared approach and Values outlined in our Corporate Plan. Valuing these differences is the cornerstone of our Workplace Diversity and will support us in meeting our business objectives as well as enhancing our ability to meet the needs and expectations of our clients. The benefits of cultural diversity for your business include: †¢ a positive public image as an employer of choice †¢ brand differentiation based on targeted marketing †¢ innovation, creativity and enhanced problem-solving †¢ expanded markets through employees’ cultural connections Maximizing the benefits of a culturally diverse workforce can be achieved through effective workforce planning. Our Policies were formed by current enforcement by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) Chess INTL Recommendations on Reasonable Accommodation of Religious Beliefs and Practices - Reasonable Accommodation †¢ Make reasonable efforts to accommodate the employees’ religious practices. †¢ Individually assess each request and avoid assumptions or stereotypes about whatShow MoreRelatedDiversity in the Workplace Essay examples1414 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract This paper is aimed at providing a framework for discussion of diversity and how it pairs with demographic characteristics. It is divided into four parts. Part I represents diversity in the workforce, which reflects the rational of organizations and how they handle diversity in the occupations of their workers. Parts II characterize diversity and age, as it responds to the fact that older people have the skill set to keep them working well past retirement age. Part III denotes religionRead MoreManaging Diversity in the Workplace1043 Words  | 5 PagesManaging diverse employees in a multicultural environment proves challenging to managers; yet, increasing diversity in the workplace is very beneficial for an organization. Diverse employees will provide a wider array of talents and will relate better to varied customers. Because managers have more influence than rank-and-file employees, it is imperative that managers commit to diversity of the workforce. Dissimilarities among people due to differences in characteristics can erode companies. FirstlyRead MoreThe Workplace And The Ethical Issues Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Essay1504 Words  | 7 PagesReligion in the workplace can introduce some of the most challenging concerns employers have to tackle. Solving these issues involves an understanding of the law as well as attempting to balance the business s needs with an employee s desire to practice his or her religion. One of the most controversial conflicts when dealing with religion in the workplace is between an employee s desire to take time off to acknowledge religious days or holidays and the potential reduction in productivity andRead MoreAn Extremely Brief History of India911 Words  | 4 PagesIndia’s depiction ‘was the most negative of all Asian countries’ (Asia Society, 1976; quoted in Nayar and Paul, 2003: 95). India’s recent history has been peppered with conflict and periods of chaos with continuing problems in Kashmir and with religious extremists. India’s economic position has been improving but with a gross disparity in wealth and income. Sixty-eight percent of the population earns less than two dollars per day. Religion ‘‘This would be the best of all possible worlds, ifRead MoreReligious Discrimination and Racial Harassment in the United States Workplace1894 Words  | 8 PagesThe diversity of the domestic and global workforce is increasing daily in the United States (U.S.). 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During, and after 9/11 Muslims became the butt end of all jokes on tonight shows, and sometimes in general conversation. â€Å"The stereotypingRead MoreGlobal Policy Regarding Religious Accommodation3126 Words  | 13 PagesChopra (Global Head of HR) Re: Global Policy regarding Religious Accommodation The rise of religious diversity in the workforce is increasing as HM’s footprint is becoming more global. HM policies and procedures must address religious diversity in the workforce, not just to accommodate employees’ religious practices but also as a tool to gain competitiveness in the marketplace. HM policies should try to reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious practices unless doing so would create hurdles forRead MoreTitle Vii, the Civil Rights Act of 19643095 Words  | 13 Pagesto give their workers time off from work to practice their faith and celebrate religious holidays. Employers may face legal issues and be fined if they refuse time off without a good reason. Time off cannot be denied just because the employer doesnt believe in the holiday or religion but needs a legitimate business reason in the eyes of the law. With respect to our dilemma, our employee John’s refusal to carry out his assigned job because of a new religious belief is a very interestingRead MoreDiversity Training in the Workplace Essay example6940 Words  | 28 PagesIntroduction 4 Gender Diversity 7 Diversity in Sexuality 8 Racial Diversity 10 Diversity in Age 11 Cultural Diversity 12 Religious Diversity 13 Importance of Diversity Training 18 Recommendations for Managers 22 Conclusion 26 References 28 Abstract This research paper addresses the importance of diversity training in the workplace. Having realized how pertinent workplace discrimination is globally,Read MoreNotes On Ethics And Social Responsibility2920 Words  | 12 Pages Religion in the Workplace Frances Daniels Ashford University November 11,2014 SOC120: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility (ADG1441G) Instructor: Raeven Chandler Abstract Because religion or spirituality is important to many people, individuals in the working world need to be aware of the issues surrounding each so that they will be able to converse with others without causing turmoil. It is important to understand that prayer plays a large part in the lives of people
Food Matters Test Marketing
Question: Discuss about theFood Matters for Test Marketing. Answer: Introduction Food marketing is similar to the marketing of other consumer products but in this case, the product of interest is food. A food marketer puts emphasis on brands; conducting consumer research, test marketing, strategies of entering into the new markets and segmentation among others. Some problems which needs to be taken care of is the marketing of food products which are perishable as well as when these products are available to the market, both of which depend of n the harvesting time. It is also crucial to understand the role of the parties involved in the sequential delivery of the product to the customers. Sheth, Jagdish N., and Atul Parvatlyar. "Relationship marketing in consumer markets: antecedents and consequences." Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 23, no. 4 (1995): 255-271. On most occasions, the customers tend to lower their choices and in turn they focus their relational behaviors in an effort to make their consuming behavior and buying patterns. This then helps the customers to access information easily, lower the risks involved in buying and maintain a comfortable state of the mind. The social and family-related factor, religious beliefs, policies of the market and government regulations also enables the consumers to participate in other market behaviors. Therefore if the food marketers and the consumers can engage in a productive means of marketing of the specific food products. In some cases, this marketing can be ineffective especially if the marketers and consumers abuse such cooperation. Sire, Istvan, Emese Kapolna, Beata Kapolna, and Andrea Lugasi. "Functional food. Product development, marketing and consumer acceptanceA review." Appetite 51, no. 3 (2008): 456-467. The author states that establishment of the understanding between health and nutrition resulted in the development of functional food and products. This consideration is likely to influence the ability of the consumers to purchase a given food. Therefore the manufacturers and those who practice value addition should perform processing steps which add the nutritional value to the food. As a result of this, the marketers have the reason to base their marketing on the health benefits derive from consumption of the said food. A food type can be processed such that it gives several nutritional benefits. One can consider getting one type of food as compared to buying several individual foods. Zeithaml, Valarie A. "Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence." The Journal of marketing (1988): 2-22. The prices of foods are likely to influence the purchasing behavior and the ability of the customers to by a certain product and leave the other. At some point, the consumers look for the relationship between the quality of a food and its quality. This is because customers aim at getting the value of a product based on its price. With regards to marketing, the marketers who draw a clear relationship between the price and quality of the food that they market are likely to influence the purchasing patterns. In some other situations, if there is no much difference in terms of the quality of food among several types of food, then price might not really have a significant role on the quality of the food. Harris, Jennifer L., Jennifer L. Pomeranz, Tim Lobstein, and Kelly D. Brownell. "A crisis in the marketplace: how food marketing contributes to childhood obesity and what can be done." Annual review of public health 30 (2009): 211-225. The author states that it is crucial for the marketers to mark boundaries between the types of foods that they have and the categories of customers. In some cases, it has been found that some foods are good for children while others are good for adults. Sometimes the marketers are asked not to perform marketing to the children because some junk foods have been associated with obesity in children. The author of this article states that the rate at which marketing of food is done to the children has been on the increase especially on the television, radios, mobile phones and the internet. Such foods could be having a high calorie but low nutritional quality hence causing unpleasant side effects. It is therefore good that each country, human rights groups and food industry to lobby for the barriers to be placed to reduce marketing of food to children. Paul, Justin, and Jyoti Rana. "Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food." Journal of consumer Marketing 29, no. 6 (2012): 412-422. The debate of the importance of organic foods has received several reactions from the food consumers. Organic foods are foods which are grown using organic manure and employ the biological means of pest control. Such foods are preferred by the people but they are sold at very high prices while other times they are not available in most food outlets and stores. The use of chemical applications while farming has been associated with onset of diseases. Therefore a food marketer who advertises the organic foods and at affordable prices is likely to influence the purchasing pattern of the consumers. The author of this article found that the satisfaction of consumers by the organic foods was affected by several factors such as the availability and the education levels of the consumers. Block, Lauren G., Punam A. Keller, Beth Vallen, Sara Williamson, Mia M. Birau, Amir Grinstein, Kelly L. Haws et al. "The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at Each Stage of the Consumer Decision Making Process." Journal of Public Policy Marketing (2016). It is advisable that the consumers minimize the possibility of wasting food. However the author of this article notes that the cases of food wasting are rampant at all stages of food distribution including food marketing. Food wastage occurs when the consumers are face with decisions of acquiring food especially as a result of marketing initiatives. The author recommended that future studies be done to determine the level of food wastage at the pre-acquisition, consumption and disposal. Sometimes the prices of food commodities can be too low such that the customers find themselves buying s much of that food that then can consume. It is therefore good that the consumers are not moved so much by the marketing strategies of food industries leading to increased purchase and wastage of food. Wilcock, Anne, Maria Pun, Joseph Khanona, and May Aung. "Consumer attitudes, knowledge and behaviour: a review of food safety issues." Trends in Food Science Technology 15, no. 2 (2004): 56-66. It has been found that the attitudes that consumers have regarding the quality of food affects their purchasing power. If they have a positive attitude, then they will purchase more and if they have a negative attitude they will purchase less of the particular food. These attitudes towards the food is said to be influenced by the by the socioeconomic status of the buyers as well as the demographic features. Therefore the marketing strategies by a food company should be based on creating a positive attitude towards the foods. The authors say that if the consumers are provided with the right information concerning a certain food type, they are going to build a positive attitude towards it. Grunert, Klaus G. "Current issues in the understanding of consumer food choice." Trends in Food Science Technology 13, no. 8 (2002): 275-285. The author states that when the consumers initially decide to buy a food, it is because they expect quality and for sure after they consume that food, they need to experience the value of that quality. The creation of quality expectations are based on the formation of a variety of brands and labels of the food so that they can bring a future prediction of what to expect from one food type from the other. An example is the use of genetic engineering which leads to the development of high attitude towards the food produced and hence influences the behavior of consumers. There are some other foods whereby a consumer does not see the quality of the food but before or after purchase. In such a case, the marketing team needs to take advantage of this situation and finally end up making them to buy the food. Sillani, Sandro, and Federico Nassivera. "Consumer behavior in choice of minimally processed vegetables and implications for marketing strategies." Trends in Food Science Technology 46, no. 2 (2015): 339-345. In this article, the author sought to determine how the consumer patterns for fresh cuts are likely to affect the intention of a customer to buy or not. There are some approaches which provide various drivers which affect the willingness as well as the attitude of a consumer to buy a certain type of food. The implications of the management team give a clear understanding the factors which affect the ability of a person to purchase the fresh cut products or not. The fresh cut could be appealing for consumption but in some cases they are expensive. However if the supply is continuous, the customers would get used to the prices too. If the marketers can use the assurance of a continuous supply of fresh food, they are likely to influence the purchasing patterns of the consumers. Teng, Chih-Ching, and Yu-Mei Wang. "Decisional factors driving organic food consumption: generation of consumer purchase intentions." British Food Journal 117, no. 3 (2015): 1066-1081. In this article, the authors aim was to determine the effect of the information given by organic food companies to the customers through advertising. Therefore if trust is built between the food marketers and customers, they can develop a positive attitude towards the information given regarding the organic foods. This attitude is then translated into the intentions and use of the information that they perceive towards the purchase of organic foods. In this research, the author reports that the perceived knowledge has no significant impact towards the development of a certain attitude towards organic foods by a consumer. It is therefore important that organic food marketers capitalize focus on using the existing knowledge as a strategy of marketing its products so as to create more trust for organic foods by consumers. Nikolova, Hristina Dzhogleva, and J. Jeffrey Inman. "Healthy Choice: The Effect of Simplified Point-of-Sale Nutritional Information on Consumer Food Choice Behavior." Journal of Marketing Research 52, no. 6 (2015): 817-835. In marketing of foods, the retailers of grocery products have been reported to join a fight against the development of obesity by providing seminars and programs aimed at wellness creation at their buying points. The author of this article therefore sought to find out whether such wellness programs by grocery owners were beneficial to customers or not. Therefore a scoring system was used to evaluate the effect of such wellness initiatives aimed at improving the health of the people. The scoring system was designed to determine whether the offering of wellness programs had any influence on the shopping decisions towards certain foods. The authors therefore found that the health the information given at the point of sale by grocery owners helped the customers in making healthy food choices. This was demonstrated by a switch to high scoring products. Feldmann, Corinna, and Ulrich Hamm. "Consumers perceptions and preferences for local food: A review." Food Quality and Preference 40 (2015): 152-164. In this article, the author sought to determine the perception of local foods by the consumers. This is due to an observed increase in the available information regarding the local foods and hence attracting the interest of consumers. Therefore there is need to determine whether the information delivered to consumers about local foods influences their purchasing patterns. This research found that the consumers did not view the local food to be as expensive as the organic food. As a result, the consumers were reported to have the willingness to pay a little bit more for the local foods. The food companies which can capitalize in provision of information regarding the availability of local foods are likely to influence the customer purchasing behaviors. Conclusion At some point, some distributors take it as their iniative to add value to the food products such that the value of what gets to the customer is higher than the initial product from the producers. The roles of the marketers and processors of food products offer convenience to the consumers although this might bring some rise in costs to the buyers. It is therefore important that consumers are given the correct information about foods by the marketers.
Petroleum Retail Market Retail Industries
Question: Critically discuss the implications of recent trends and changes within the supply chain of the UK petroleum retail market. Answer: Introduction A brief research showed that the UK market for petroleum as well as liquid fuel experienced an effective change regarding the supply and demand of oil and gas. The oil industry in UK contains the general procedure of refining, exploration, transportation, extraction and marketing the products of petroleum. Gasoline or petrol and fuel oil are the biggest volume products of the oil industry. Petroleum oil is a raw material which contains numerous chemical products. The chemical products include solvents, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, plastic and pesticides. The UK industry is divided into three fundamental components such as downstream, midstream and upstream. The operation of midstream is commonly included in the category of downstream. The demand for petroleum and its products has been increasing in such countries which are developed. The countries are China, India as well as Middle East countries. Countries such as the United Kingdom have shown a high potential for the development g as and oil industries. These developments have led to the improvement in gas and oil sectors based on its efficiency. It has also impacted the rise of prices. As a result, the United Kingdom and US reassessed strong inclinations in the UK market of liquid and fuels. The government of United Kingdom provides a massive public support to the companies of petroleum with significant breaks in taxes at every virtual stage of oil extraction and exploration. The cost of drilling equipment and oilfield leases are also included. In the United Kingdom, the National Petroleum Council evaluates the demand for gas and oil supply. Analysis of the factors affecting the current gas and oil industry in UK The primary factors that impact the current structure and size of the new gas and oil retail sectors are the demand and supply of worlds energy, unconventional resources, the requirement of technology, and the constraints that meet the need of energy and access to resources (Hilyard, 2012). The description of each of these factors are listed below: The demand and supply of worlds energy The energy of the world are the primary resources for these industries. The resources are oil and natural gas. According to the National Petroleum Council, the international demand in UK for oil in the year 2000 was seventy-six million barrels per day (Inkpen and Moffett, 2011). The production of oil is currently eight six million barrels per day which are equivalent to 31.4 billion barrels per year. Since petroleum contains hydrocarbons, so NPC or National Petroleum Council predicted that the hydrocarbon fuels can still make up eighty percent of the sources of energy by 2030. Based on the natural gas, the situation is more optimistic than oil industries. Internationally, the production of natural gas in 2000 was two hundred and forty-three billion cubic feet per day. NPC projected that the demand for natural gas would increase to 356-581 billion cubic feet per day by 2030 (Energy policies of IEA countries, 2012). Most of the natural gas are used to generate electricity and heat in E urope, Russia and North America and hence satisfying the customers (Economic review, 2009). Unconventional resources Unconventional resources are reservoirs producing gas and oil at very low flow rates due to geologic complexity, high fluid viscosity and low permeability (Markowski, 2012). It includes resources triangle which is a concept used by Masters to find a large gas field. Figure 1 Figure 1 represents a resource triangle. When someone goes deeper, the reservoirs are low grade. It means that the permeability of reservoir is decreasing (Linn, 2014). However, low permeability reservoirs are much larger than high-quality reservoirs. High-quality reservoirs need to be improved technology, and therefore, prices get increased. Requirement of technology Technologies are required for the improvement of unconventional gas and oil and the reservoirs. The techniques include reservoir engineering, drilling, well stimulation, completion methods and formation evaluation. The technology must deal with the getting more gas and oil out of the reservoir and thereby reduce the cost of drilling. Better technologies based on the electronics and materials can withstand high temperature and high pressure. As a result, drilling methods can be improved thereby increasing the gas and oil supply(Van, 2010). Technology for unconventional gas includes hydraulic fracture fluids which are among the most important technology of all. It requires challenging operators in unconventional gas tanks. Formulation of polymer gel are utilized for creating the crack as well as carry the propping agents. The constraints that meet the demand of energy The limitations are environmental, technological, manpower and capital constraints. Based on environmental constraints, NPC stated that the use of hydrocarbon fuels need development in technology as well as the regulatory and legal framework. The issues based on the emission of carbon dioxide must be resolved. It is very crucial to develop the technology, so the National Petroleum Council suggest UK governments and UK industry to put money on technical development(Hilyard, 2012). The NPC also recommends the UK government should recruit young engineers who are willing to work in these fields. The changes should be made to tax laws for allowing the retired people. Based on technological constraints, research says that the governments and the industry in oil-producing countries should put more money into the development as well as research. Access to resources In many areas such as North America, the gas and oil deposit are restricted due to environmental concerns. The National Petroleum Council recommends the UK governments to conduct regional and national resources and market assessments for identifying opportunities. As a result, the supply of gas, coal and oil will increase in United Kingdom. The continuation method to create technologies by the industry must be progressed for the development of friendly environment of high potential areas. It is developed both offshore and onshore. It is recommended that public must learn about energy, its application and its benefits. The impact of the increase in price of oil in UK The increase in the price of oil impact globally. The increase in the price of petroleum oil will lead to the decrease of discretionary spending of lifestyle in UK(Powers, 2013). The increase in the price of the gas will lead shoppers to drive less. Researchers concluded that the volume of gas and oil production was directly tied to the price of it. As stated by Marin Software, the searches based on online shopping increased dramatically along with the growth in gas price. However, the automobile industries in UK have reported increasing the price of gas and the necessities for the reduction of dependence on oil by manufacturing more fuel-efficient and smaller cars. The customers have supported this revolution in automobile industries in UK. Also, small vehicles presently account for around a quarter of all United Kingdom auto sales(Herkenhoff, 2013). The increase in the price of gas leads to the increase in public transportation ridership. For example, a public train like the Rider on Rail Runner of New Mexico provides facility between Albuquerque and Santa Fe grew by fourteen percent for the same month. Evaluation of the potential of technical change in next decade The increase in prices from gas and oil and the development of technology cannot stay constant. It means that the technology needs to change so as to reduce the cost of oil production. It may lead to the reduction of the cost of gas and oil. Thus, it will remove the problems faced by normal people during the purchase of oil(Delloitte, 2012). The technical change needs some evaluation and calculations to determine that whether the modification can result in some benefits or not. First of all, the cost needs to be evaluated. After that, evaluation of low-carbon and energy supply technologies needs to be done. In numerous respects, 2020 could prove to be a crisis in the evolution of energy system (Sheng and Chen, 2014). By 2050, the overall population of the world will rise by more than two billion people. The OECD countries will be a progressively minor energy players in the world in production, demand and trade, but nevertheless remain significant as a supplier of technology (Smead, 2 015). Consumption of primary-energy fuel for electricity and heat production in 2030 (EJ/YR) Increase in demand of new power from 2002 to 2030 (TWh) The demand of final electricity in 2030 (TWh/YR) Consumption of primary-energy fuel for electricity in 2030 (EJ/YR) Total emission from electricity in 2030 (GtCO2-Eq/YR) OECD 118.6 4,488 14,244 115.4 5.98 EIT 29.3 983 2,468 22.1 1.17 Non-OECD 128.5 10,111 14,944 125.3 8.62 World 276.4 15,582 31,656 262.8 15.77 The above table represents a baseline data from the World Energy Outlook 2004. This chart describes the mitigation potentials and the cost for the primary supply of energy based on technology (Kondratov, 2015). The generation of final electricity was based on the electrical proficiencies calculated from the data of 2002. It includes a correction for the share of final heat in the total consumption of final energy. These technologies are quantified and compared with the assumptions of 2030. This analysis determines the mitigation potentials at a high end of the range of every technology by 2030 (Smead, 2015). It expects every innovation or technology will be executed as much as financially and, in fact, possible and yet it is restricted by the down to earth requirements of stock turnover, preparing of authority skill, the rate of expansion of producing limit and so on. The presumptions utilized are contrasted, and different examinations reported in the writing. Each and every innovati on will be obliged by what will be going on somewhere else in the energy supply area. They could never achieve this total greatest potential all in all. Therefore, these definite possibilities can't be explicitly included to get an anticipated genuine potential (Duncan, 2015). Innovative technologies in UK are set to develop and innovative technologies. It will be built for sustaining production and facilitate trade mainly in gas and oil industries. Public energy industries are likely to be transferred to many countries. As a result, there will be more completion in the international energy market. The changeover of the worlds energy segment based on gas and oil industry could well increase in speed over the period 2020 to 2050 (Andrews and Playfoot, 2014). The type of energy structure will develop and it will be shaped by a multitude of constraints and opportunities. For example, numerous end-use devices like industrial processes, cars, heating systems, infrastructure and parts of the building stock will get started to be replaced by innovative technologies. By 2050, all vitality innovations or technologies like gadgets will have been supplanted at any rate once (FOCUS: Libya starts to rebuild its oil and gas industries, 2011). It will offer an abundance of possible outcomes for setting the advancement of both the UK society and economy on an a great deal more energy efficient way. Be that as it may, advancements like new and old require significant investment to deliver and diffuse, and there is presently worry that uses on vitality research and development are on the decay. Besides, increments in the convergence of nursery gasses in the weather over the more lengthy term will make it vital to put resources into arrangements and advances, and it will permit consistency with stricter ecological targets. What's more, oil generation will presumably have begun to diminish, took after nearly by gas; regardless of the fact that non-traditional oil and gas assets fill the crevice for quite a while, substitute powers will, in the end, should be found. Conclusion The above report is based on the development of oil and gas retail industries in UK. In the first portion, the analysis is done on the factors that affect the new structure and size of the current UK gas and oil retail sectors. The second part described the impact of high price oil in the life of normal people of UK and on the international industries like automobiles. The next portion evaluated the potential of technical change in next decade based on energy retailing industries in UK. Evaluation is done by taking help from the baseline data table. The oil and gas industry employs people in different types of jobs roles both onshore and offshore. Bibliography Delloitte, 2012. Study of the UK petroleum retail market. 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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Starting with Act 2 Scene 3 how far do you think Friar Lawrence is responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students
Starting with Act 2 Scene 3 how far do you think Friar Lawrence is responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Essay Romeo and Friar Lawrence are portrayed as having a trusting relationship, and Romeo often consults Friar Lawrence for advice. At the beginning of the play in act 1 scene 1, Romeo is perceived as weak. He behaves differently to what we consider the stereotypical tragic hero in a play. This is clear when Montague informs Benvolio that Romeo goes out, With tears augmenting the fresh morning dew. This quotation reflects the fact that Romeo is an emotional character. As dew is already wet and his tears augment it, it shows that he is truly crying and not just sobbing. Romeo may be crying as he feels under attack from love. This is when he is in love with Rosaline. The issue of weakness comes from Romeo crying, when we see him as a relatively strong tragic hero later on in the play. Shakespeare may have shown Romeo like this to reveal his vulnerable state, which could contribute to the tragic ending. We will write a custom essay on Starting with Act 2 Scene 3 how far do you think Friar Lawrence is responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Romeo has an impulsive personality quite like Friar Lawrence. We see this in many scenes, but in particular Act 1 scene 5, when Romeo sees Juliet and instantly falls in love with her. He talks about Juliet as being better than everything else. O she doth teach the torches to burn bright. Before meeting Juliet, Romeo was infatuated with Rosaline. He shows his impulsiveness by seeing Juliets beauty and instantly falling in love with her. The word teach shows that Juliet hypothetically knows better than the torches how to burn bright. And the use of burn bright shows that she gets rid of all darkness. The audience might think that Shakespeare is trying to imply that Juliet gets rid of the darkness in Romeo, meaning she makes him happy again. Alternately others may think that Shakespeare is trying to suggest that Juliet lights up a room when she walks in. Either way, in Romeos eyes she is something special. Friar Lawrence agrees to secretly marry Romeo and Juliet at Romeos request. This shows how close he is to Romeo, as he will go through with something like marrying them for him, showing Friar Lawrences naive side. In act 2 scene 3 he agrees to the marriage by saying To turn your house holds rancure to pure love. This quotation shows that Friar Lawrence, despite being an honest and respected figure at the heart of the community, is also naive in his belief that the marriage of Romeo and Juliet will end the ongoing family feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. Friar Lawrence knows that the wedding will be in secret, so for him to believe it will end the family feud, disputes with the priest character we think of as wise. Friar Lawrences quick agreement could be because he responds to Romeo as a father would to his son, and consequently will do all he can to help. Some believe the point Shakespeare is enforcing is that Romeo and Friar Lawrence are quite close. Others believe Shakespeare has portrayed Friar Lawrence like this to show the difference between him and the stereotypical priest. In the times when this play was written, priests were seen as the heart of the community and highly trusted. In Act 3 Scene 3 Friar Lawrence condemns Romeos ingratitude of Banishment. This shows that Friar Lawrence influences Romeo and has a certain amount of control over him. He mentions the fact that The law that threatened life becomes thy friend. Friar Lawrence tries to get across the point that the Prince is being merciful by not executing him. Just before Friar Lawrence makes this optimistic point, he had been insulting Romeo by saying his tears are womanish. Not only does he criticize Romeo about his reaction to his banishment, the quotation reflects the inequality and prejudice regarding woman in the 1600s. Inequality is also shown is some scenes where Juliet is present, as she is treated as a victim throughout the play. Later on in this scene, Friar Lawrence starts to advise Romeo what to do next. Shakespeare could have shown Friar Lawrence like this, as he sees Romeo like a son and the way he is treating him is like a son. However you could argue that Friar Lawrence is trying to control Romeo, which could affect his decisions and lead to some of his impulsive actions. .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 , .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .postImageUrl , .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 , .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:hover , .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:visited , .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:active { border:0!important; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:active , .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939 .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua5ba65bd68a3325692d2db859bdad939:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood brother unit 2 in drama EssayIt is Friar Lawrences idea for Juliet to fake her death, on the night before her wedding to Paris. This shows he has good intentions, but they dont always go to plan. In act 4 scene 1 Friar Lawrence says to Juliet, That copst with death itself to scape from it. He only puts this idea into her head of taking sleeping potion to stop her actually killing herself. He figures that for her to fake her own death would cause fewer problems than if she was actually dead. Friar Lawrences plan did not work, this is because the message he sent did not reach Romeo. The audience may think that the message not reaching Romeo was outside of Friar Lawrences control. Others may argue that he should have taken precautions to make sure Romeo received the message. Shakespeare may have shown Friar Lawrences good intentions to prove he is not entirely responsible for the tragic end to the play. Towards the end of the play the character of Friar Lawrence is portrayed differently, as he selfishly puts himself first, leaving Juliet to kill herself. You could argue that Shakespeare shows him like this to show the cowardliness in him. Others may say that calling Friar Lawrence a coward is too strong, as he has helped Romeo and Juliet throughout the play. Tybalt is the main encourager of the on going family feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. He narrows the intensity and desire of hatred of all Montagues to just Romeo. In act 1 scene 5 Tybalt describes Romeo to Capulet as, A villain that is hither come in spite. This is when Tybalt has seen Romeo at the Capulet ball and wanted to fight him, but Capulet stops him. The use of the word villain proves Tybalts hatred of Romeo. This is because in the 1600s when Shakespeare wrote this play, to call someone a villain was a huge insult. Tybalt refers to Romeo as being a villain at least twice in the play, as he also says thou art a villain when speaking directly to Romeo. Shakespeare introduces Tybalts character early on in the play, meaning his input is relevant to the tragic ending. Fate is another aspect that contributes to the death of Romeo and Juliet at the end of the play. When the play was written, fate was thought to be determined by the stars. There are many references with in the play of Romeos fate being determined by the stars. In act 2 scene 2 Romeo refers to him falling in love with Juliet as fate. This shows that there are some things out of his control, hence the line Love goes toward love, as school boys go toward towards their books. This reflects that Romeo believes falling in love with Juliet was a predetermined pathway already planned for him. Also as school boys have to go towards their books; it gives a sense that Romeo and Juliet have to be with one another. Shakespeare is ultimately responsible for the deaths of the two lovers, but as Romeo is a tragic hero in a tragic play, it is fate that he will die. In act 5 scene 1, Balthasser travels to Mantua to inform Romeo that Juliet is dead, Friar Lawrences message has not reached him. From this point on he starts to take control of his life. Romeo says, I defy you stars This shows that before this point in the play, the character of Romeo believed he was being controlled by a higher being. For him to say he now defies or goes against this being is a big step for him. Unfortunately Romeos impulsiveness returns and he goes to the apothecary to purchase the poison that eventually kills him. Shakespeare may have added this line to show Romeos grief over Juliets death. Others may argue that Shakespeare added the line in to emphasise the fact that Romeo is now taking control of his own life. .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 , .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .postImageUrl , .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 , .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:hover , .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:visited , .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:active { border:0!important; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:active , .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213 .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u782bb5974ffad6001b51f77e745f6213:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dramatic Device Essay PaperRomeo and Tybalt are similar, as they are both the young Impulsive males of their families, they are also both emotional. Despite the similarities, they are also very different, as Romeo is a love sick teenager full of love, and Tybalts only love is to hate. In act 3 scene 1 Tybalt accuses Romeo of causing him injuries by saying, This shall not excuse the injuries, that thou hast done me. This is a ridiculous accusation, as Romeo has not caused any injuries to Tybalt. The injury Tybalt is referring to, is Romeo going to the Capulet ball. At the ball, Capulet embarrassed Tybalt by showing his disapproval of him fighting with Romeo there and then. The fact that Romeo and Tybalt are so alike, yet so different is why they clash. Shakespeare may have added the rivalry between Romeo and Tybalt to emphasise the impulsiveness of both young males. Also it may be to allow the audience to realise that Romeo is impulsive in other things and not just when it comes to falling in love. Capulet is devastated when Tybalt is killed. Capulet himself is also partly responsible, for the tragic ending of the play. During the play, Capulets protection of his family fades. At the beginning of the play, Shakespeare has Capulet telling Paris that Juliet is not yet fourteen and too young to marry. Yet after Tybalts death in Act 3 scene 5, Capulet is irate with his daughter for refusing to marry. He shouts at her, Hang thee, young baggage disobedient wretch! This shows Capulets hypocritical side, as originally he says Juliet cant marry for another two years. It also shows that he has a quick and bad temper that he cant control. Capulet forcing Juliet to marry against her will, shows the stigma attached to woman at the time when Romeo and Juliet was written, as women were seen as inferior to men. Juliet has no say in who she marries, yet Paris is allowed to choose Juliet like an object. Capulet calling his own daughter young baggage and disobedient wretch shows how angry and bad tempered he really is. Shakespeare may have added Capulets Character to the play, to show the inequality towards woman at the time. Others may argue that his Character is added to show Juliet as a victim throughout the play. Capulets anger is what eventually leads to Juliet going to Friar Lawrence and receiving the potion. In my opinion, Friar Lawrence did have a level of responsibility for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, but you cant blame just one character or factor. There are many things that contribute to the fatal ending. Most characters play at least a small part, also a combination of Romeos impulsiveness and fate and of course Shakespeares decision is what ends the play so tragically. The real tragedy is Juliet dying, as Romeo is a tragic hero so was always going to die!
Friday, April 17, 2020
The Basics About Choosing an Example of Writing a Citation in an Essay
The Basics About Choosing an Example of Writing a Citation in an EssayWriting a sample of writing a citation in an essay, where a short passage is presented as the basis for the whole essay, is generally based on the idea that the writer must convince the reader that what he or she has written is important enough to include in the overall composition. This is a relatively easier task when you have to read the sample. However, in other cases, such as when the sample is copied directly from another source, you will have to look for clues to make the choice of citation in an essay your own.In addition to all these considerations, it is crucial to know exactly how the examples you are using in your writing a citation in an essay should be presented. A simple sample of writing a citation in an essay may not be able to present all the advantages of the various rules and procedures regarding citations as well as the effects of different styles of writing.Many readers will immediately note t hat the sample of writing a citation in an essay you have used will be difficult to follow. This is because the examples you have selected will usually have one source followed by another source which you will have to mention.Cite from the first source, which is most relevant to the main topic. This will be of more value than citing from the second source, because you will be providing a full explanation to the reader about why the first source is more worthy than the second source. This will make you a lot more persuasive and convincing than citing from the second source and providing no reason at all.Always cite all sources as precisely as possible. The good thing about examples of writing a citation in an essay is that you can simply take quotes out of each example and use them verbatim in your essay. However, it is not always easy to do this; especially if the examples you have chosen seem to be out of context.If there is any doubt about how to cite the source which you have sel ected in your examples of writing a citation in an essay, you can either refer to the example of writing a citation in an essay or you can decide whether you want to use the author's name or you want to use the source's name in quotation marks. The latter is a little better, if you have any doubts about citing the source in your essay. This is because the source you cite will be able to go against whatever arguments you wish to make in your essay.Another tip to consider when you are choosing which example to cite in your essay is the length of the excerpt you have chosen. Remember that a citation in an essay should be brief and clear, but there is no need to write the entire thing in one sentence; it is okay to highlight the pertinent information and then continue in small paragraphs.As you can see, there are many options available to you when you are selecting an example of writing a citation in an essay. These tips, along with your own research, will make it much easier for you to find the right example for your needs.
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