Thursday, October 10, 2019
Research Reading Newspaper Habits
I. Introduction B. Background of the Study Newspapers help to improve reading habits, knowledge and awareness. They can be part of good study habits for students in any area of specialization. Malaysia is a developing country with many ethnic communities who wish to live together. Efforts to solve cultural adaptation problems should be multi-dimensional and long term. Nowadays many students are not aware alert with the information surrounding and the current issue that happened in the world and Malaysia especially.Therefore, we are really believed that by reading the newspaper will help student especially to gain their knowledge. A newspaper is usually an everyday publication. It contains news, opinions, advertisements, notice and information of all kinds. It also publishes all matters of general interest. It is a very useful mass medium. It keeps people aware about the current events of the world. It publishes views about national and international issues and public opinion. Commodi ty prices, share market reports, race course events, sports news, news about films, fashions and entertainments are some of its regular features.Newspapers have also columns for children and women and even for the students' preparation for examination. In fact, a newspaper is an encyclopaedia, a store house of knowledge and information at the cheapest price. Thus a newspaper bears interest of every section of people and is an attraction for every kind of readers. C. Problem Statement By reading the newspaper we really ensure that there are important for college students, whose needs being up to date with the issue around them. Many of them are not taking serious with the knowledge that happened and the levels of their knowledge of the current issues are very low.That will give the negative effect of their knowledge of current issues and might be effect when they want to find the job in the future. D. Purpose The purpose of this report is to investigate the newspaper reading habits a mong part 4 students in UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka. E. Objective The objectives of the report are to investigate the newspaper reading habits of Part 4 students in UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka and recommend the action that should be taken to enhance these habits among the students. F. Significant Report I. To the respondentsThis research is hoped to give hands to students in measuring their level of global and current issue knowledge by reading the newspaper. It also helps them to improve their languages and communication skill weakness by reading the newspapers. This research is a guide to helping college students take charge of their learning in their university environment, by capitalizing on their motivation arising from curiosity. It helps students gain independence from the lecture-study-exam system, with a resulting sense of thinking â€Å"I know my stuff†.The guide argues that many students who do not work to their potential have a low awareness of behaviours that c ontribute to academic success. II. To the researchers This research will give the researcher some knowledge about the factors that influence UiTM students of reading habits. The researcher will get experience due to exposure to the real situation as it require researcher to communicate directly to the respondents. The environmental situation can be useful in the future for the researcher in dealing with the real environment. III. To the facultyWith this study, the researchers expect that faculty will develop strategic solutions regarding newspaper reading habits if we found out that most of the students have newspaper reading habits are very low. Furthermore, this study also can assist other students to gather information and make reference to findings from past research. G. Limitations This study has several limitations which are: I. The sample of the study The sample of the study was too small since only taken at UiTM KBM, only involve business faculty. It is also limited within p art 4 students.The information and feedback were obtained only from small group of population caused in narrow result. II. Data collection method The result of this research is limited due to only one of data collection method applied. The research only use questionnaire to collect data from respondent. It also may raise the possibility of dishonesty in answering the questionnaire. III. Data Analysis The analysis only uses frequency and percentage as method of measurement of findings. It may be resulting in less accurate in findings. I. Procedural Methods A.Primary sources data 1. Questionnaires This questionnaire is about newspaper reading habits. The purpose of this survey is to investigate the newspaper reading habits among part 4 students in UiTM KBM. The information of this report was obtained through a survey in which 50 questionnaire were distributed to part 4 students at UiTM in this campus. There are 50 questions in this survey that can help the respondents to know about ho w well they gain their knowledge and also can discover their areas that will make them attract to read the newspapers.The scale of measurement of this survey is liked and multiple choices scale. B. Secondary data We also used secondary sources of data to get more information in order to complete this research. The sources of data that we have used are journal and article that we had obtain from the internet. These articles and journal has helped lots in finding good references and information that can be used in this research. II. Data Analysis The analysis only uses frequency, number and percentage as method of measurement of findings.It may be resulting in less accurate in findings. III. Main Findings It was found that: The finding report such as follows: QUESTION 1 Figure 4. 1 The figure 4. 1 shows that 12 of students are strongly agree that they love to read newspaper but only 16 of students agree. On the other hand, 12 of students indicate neutral and only 10 students who are d isagree about this statement. But there is null number of student who strongly disagree that they love to read newspaper. According to the graph, mostly UiTM KBM students agree that they love to read newspaper.The students will read newspaper at least once a month rather than not read it at all. This finding shows that the newspaper reading habit among Uitm KBM students is good. QUESTION 2 Figure 4. 2 The figure 4. 2 shows that 3 of students are strongly agree that they read newspaper every morning and only 11 students who are agree. However, 23 students are neutral and 12 students disagree that they read newspaper every morning. But only 1 student who is strongly disagreeing read newspaper every morning. The graph shows that the number of neutral students is higher han others. So this means that, there are many students still read newspaper every morning even though the students who disagree read newspaper every morning increase. This indicates that, many students still read newspa per even though there are many things that most interesting for teenagers. QUESTION 3 Figure 4. 3 The figure 4. 3 shows that 10 students who are strongly agree that the price of newspaper is affordable to purchase and the number increase to the 18 student who are agree with the price of newspaper.On the other hand, 12 students are neutral, 7 students are disagreeing and the rest is only 3 students who strongly disagree that the price of newspaper is affordable to purchase. Mostly, students are agreeing that the price of newspaper is affordable to purchase. Even they still studying and not have higher income; they still can affordable to purchase newspaper. Usually the price of newspaper is around RM1. 50. So, there is no reason why students or any people are not affording to buy newspaper. QUESTION 4 Figure 4. 4 The figure 4. shows that 3 students are strongly agreed that they have allocated some of their money to buy newspaper monthly. However, there are 15 students who are agreed and 17 students who are neutrally spend some money to buy newspaper every month. But 10 students are disagreeing about this statement and the rest is 5 students who strongly disagree that they are not allocate some of their money to buy any newspaper monthly. Mostly, students react neutrally to spend some of their money to buy newspaper every month. This is because, as a student, they have no enough money to spend some of their money to buy newspaper monthly.They will buy it if there is enough money for them to spend for their foods, assignments and others. QUESTION 5 Figure 4. 5 The figure 4. 5 shows those 4 students who strongly agree and 16 students who are agree to spend their time at least 30 minutes daily to read newspaper. But it is increase one number in neutral which is 17 students who are neutral to spend at least 30 minutes daily to read newspaper. There are 12 students who are disagree about to spent their time to read newspaper. But only one person who is strongly disag rees about this statement.Mostly, students sometime spending their time to read newspaper in the library, buy it themselves or online the news. According to survey, many students love to spend their idle time to read newspaper. Usually, UiTM KBM students refer to read newspaper in the library when they have no class at that time. QUESTION 6 Figure 4. 6 The figure 4. 6 shows the selection of headline among respondent of UiTM KBM students when buy the newspaper. 27% of the respondent choose neutral and disagree for the selection of headline when buy the newspaper which is they would buy the newspaper when the headline is sensationalized.Then, followed by 18% of respondent chose to agree and strongly agree buy the newspaper because of the sensationalized headline and other 10% strongly disagree about the choosing of sensationalized headline when buying the newspaper. From this question, we can see that the bigger amounts of respondent are disagree with the question which is choosing th e sensational headline when buying the newspaper and also many of them do not feel like the sensational headline is the issue to buy the newspaper. Other than that, the other respondent shows the attraction of the sensational headline is the factor that they choose to buy the newspaper.QUESTION 7 Figure 4. 7 The figure 4. 7 shows the news in the newspaper that the respondent rate based on the informative news in the newspaper. The higher percentage shows 37% of the respondent agree the news is informative to them and followed by 24% of the respondent strongly agree that the news in the newspaper is informative. About 18% of the respondent feel there are few news in the newspaper is informative and 12% of the respondent disagree the news in the newspaper is informative. The least respondent which is only 10% of them strongly disagree that the news is informative.We can see from this that, the respondent will read the newspaper because they want to information and it show that they re alize the newspaper can provide them more information. The least respondent that strongly disagree with the statement that they can get the information from the newspaper because they feel like they would prefer to get the information from other sources like internet, library and etc. QUESTION 8 Figure 4. 8 The figure 4. 8 show the respondent would choose to use both sources to know about the news that represent about 26% of them.Followed by 24 % disagree, 19 % strongly disagree, 17% agree and only 10 % strongly agree. We can see that the respondent prefer to use both source to get what information that they want because they can get the information in newspaper if the information that they want are not shown in the television. The other side, the respondent was strongly disagree with the statement is the second highest because they think that the news also provided in the television and it is for them to understand the information that they want. QUESTION 9Figure 4. 9 The figure 4. 9 shows the statement that the respondent can get the information from newspaper and 36 percent of them answer they can gain knowledge not only from the newspaper; they also can gain the knowledge from the media Massa. Followed by 32% of respondent agree with the statement, 18% strongly agree, 12% disagree, and only 4% strongly disagree. We can see that they feel easy to gain knowledge from the newspaper because most of the respondents give a positive answer to the question. QUESTION 10 Figure 4. 10The figure 4. 10 shows the respondent whether they practice or not reading newspaper as a part of the life. Many of them feel like they want to practice it as a part of their life and also try other method to be a habit on gaining the knowledge. We can see that the highest respondent chooses to practice reading newspapers as a part of their life which is 36%. Followed by 22% of respondent agree to practice newspaper reading habit as a part of their life because they can gain more knowled ge and also improve their reading skill. 8 percent of the respondent strongly disagree with the practice newspaper reading habit as a part of their life, followed by 14% disagree and only 12% strongly disagree to practice newspaper reading habit as a part of their life. QUESTION 11 Figure 4. 11 From the figure 4. 11 it was found that out of 50 respondents, they have chosen parents that influenced them to read the newspaper which contributed 62%. The 12 respondents agree that their peers were influenced them to read the newspaper. Next 8% of the respondents are believe that the lecturer in the university have been influences them to read the newspapers.However, 3 of the respondent said that they self and seeking of the information needed are the factors that influenced them to read newspapers. QUESTION 12 Figure 4. 12 From the figure 4. 12, it was found that the majority of the respondents are read newspaper for 2-3 times in a week. The14 respondents are been chosen that they only re ad newspaper for 1 time in a week. Then the10 respondents are read the newspaper for 4-5 times in a week. However, there are 8 respondents only read the newspaper for everyday (6-7 times). QUESTION 13 Figure 4. 13 From the figure 4. 3, it was found that the majority of the respondents have been chosen that they are more prefer to the newspaper. The 15 of the respondents are more prefer to the news online. The next 14 of our respondents are preferred on the both types of the newspaper to getting the information and knowledge. QUESTION 14 Figure 4. 14 From the figure 4. 14, it was found that the most of the respondents are choosing Harian Metro as their favourite newspaper. The 22% of our respondents are choosing News Strait Times. The next 18% of our respondents are choosing The Star.The rest of the respondents are stated other newspaper as their favourite newspaper such as Berita Harian, Utusan, Kosmo and Sinar Harian as the choice. QUESTION 15 Figure 4. 15 From the figure 4. 15, it was found that the majority of the respondents are loved to read News section when they are reading the newspaper. The 32% of the respondents are chosen the Sport section. Then the 28% of the respondents are chosen the Entertainment section every time they read newspaper. The respondent number 17 are choosing Others (he or she are not specify their answer) as their favourite section in the newspaper.QUESTION 16 Figure 4. 16 From the figure 4. 16 shows the percentage of UiTM KBM students in choosing the famous method that newspaper use to attract readers. 50% which is 25 out of 50 respondents choose sensational headline as a newspaper famous method. Next, 32% which is 16 respondents out of 50 choose being more creative in packaging the information as a newspaper famous method. Only 9 respondents which is 18% choose do survey of people readership habits method as a newspaper famous method and none of them choose others. QUESTION 17 Figure 4. 17 From the figure 4. 7 shows the percenta ge of UiTM KBM students in choosing the best benefits that they can get from reading newspaper. 56% which is 28 out of 50 respondents choose new information benefit that they can get from reading newspaper. Next, 30% which is 15 respondents out of 50 choose increase confident level as benefit. Only 5 respondents which are 10% choose improve language and verbal ability as benefit that they can get from reading newspaper and none of them choose others. QUESTION 18 Figure 4. 18 From the figure 4. 18 shows the percentage of UiTM KBM students in choosing the barrier that may hinder them from reading newspaper. 2% which is 21 out of 50 respondents choose lack of awareness as barrier to them from reading newspaper. Next, 32% which is 16 respondents out of 50 choose limited time as barrier to them due to a lot of assignment and pack schedule. Only 13 respondents which are 26% choose information obtained from other sources as barrier for them to read newspaper and none of them choose others. QUESTION 19 Figure 4. 19 From the figure 4. 19 shows the percentage of UiTM KBM students frequently in visiting the UiTM KBM library for the purpose of reading newspaper. 42% hich is 21 out of 50 respondents will go to the library only at their free periods to read newspaper. Next, 30% which is 15 respondents out of 50 said none of them visited the library for the purpose of reading newspaper. Only 14 out of 50 respondents which are 28% said they had visited the library once only and none of them choose others. QUESTION 20 Figure 4. 20 From the figure 4. 20 shows the percentage of UiTM KBM student’s impression towards newspaper services rendered by the UiTM KBM. 38% which is 19 out of 50 respondents had rate good and poor impression equally.Next, 22% which is 11 respondents out of 50 had rate excellent on newspaper services rendered by the UiTM KBM and only 1 respondent which is 2% had choose others as his or her impression. . IV. Main Conclusion This research investigated t he newspaper reading habits among the part 4 students in UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka. The primary data were collected by the randomly distributing questionnaires to 50 students. As a mention earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study was to investigate the newspaper reading habits among student to gain their knowledge.The following conclusions can be draw from the study. To begin with, this study can be that the part 4 students in UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka are still not make reading newspapers to be their habits. In addition, we are believed that the students are not really using the facilities given by the university. They still give some reasons on the refusing reading the newspaper. Therefore parents, lecturer, peers and communities surrounding have to take action to open their eyes that to prove by reading the newspaper they will gain their knowledge that can be use for their future.Otherwise, the student will be lack of the knowledge of current issue around them . However, these findings are only true for the UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka students and cannot be generalized to other university students. The same study need to be conducted with students from other universities to see if there are any similarities with the factors that will influence of newspaper reading habits and the effect of that to the student itself for he or she in the future. V. Recommendations Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the following are the several recommendations to increase the newspaper reading habits.Library users read newspaper to get the latest information about what is happening around. Newspaper is essential for university students but due to the enormous explosion of information published in the form of newspapers in different languages in particular, it is impossible for libraries to subscribe all that is published at the national and international levels. Under these circumstances the best way of serving the users is by proper displa y of newspaper and notifying users about new information related to education.In library there should be adequate newspaper to accelerate reading habits. This study help librarians understand the importance of newspapers and improve the services related to the newspapers. In order to maintain and raise the newspaper reading habit among the UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka, the other suggestions and recommendation is to promote newspaper reading habit among other students in this campus. Besides that, electronic newspapers are more help to read all information in a very short period. So, students can read newspaper every time and everywhere.Online newspapers also may help to find out latest development in various fields, employment news and other important news to improve their knowledge skills. On the other hand, the educational institutions should motivate and give opportunity to the students for read online newspapers and improve their knowledge skills. Besides that, as a student, the y have to find and make more time for reading, always have a book or newspaper around, set a reading goal, keep a log, keep a list and build your own strategy and drop everything read.VI. References Norazman Abdul Majid, M. A. (2012). Academic Report Writing From Research to Presentation (Updated Second Edition). Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall. Kumar, D. (2011). Retrieved from Digital Common University India: http://digitalcommons. unl. edu/cgi/viewcontent. cgi? article=1488;context=libphilprac;sei-redir=1;referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. google. com. my%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Dnewspaper%2520reading%2520habits%26source%3Dweb%26cd%3D3%26ved%3D0CGEQFjAC%26url%3Dhttp%25
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