Monday, December 30, 2019
The Edison Electric Light Company - 1951 Words
GENERAL ELECTRIC Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb and many other great inventions founded the Edison Electric Light Company in 1878. His reason for building the company was to have a place where could house all of his experiments in one place and which would also contained a workshop to support the inventions he an eventually other inventors were working on. It is a little known fact that Thomas Edison was not only known to be a great inventor but also a great businessman. In fact a lot of people of his time regarded him as a genius when it came to both aspects of his person. With his accumulation of many businesses and the numerous inventions coming out of the Edison Electric Light Company, Edison decided in 1890 to combine the two aspects of all his workshops and businesses into one company which he named the Edison General Electric Company. Two years later in 1892 Edison merged with his primary competitors to form the General Electric Company. Since its forming th e General Electric Company known as â€Å"GE†, has become one of the world’s most powerful and inventive companies to exist. â€Å"Electric lighting, power transmission, medical equipment, and transportation were all areas in which Edison held patents and had formed small companies, and are all areas in which this conglomerate today has large holdings†(, 2015). It still is today the number seventh on Forbes list of the world’s biggest companies (Forbes, 2015). This can beShow MoreRelatedThe General Electric Company : Edison Electric Light Company1037 Words  | 5 Pages The General Electric company, or GE, had it’s beginnings in 1878, when Thomas Edison created his Edison Electric Light Company. Edison created his first publically available electric lamp, and changed the industry forever. By 1890, another company, the Thomson-Houston Company, had started, and created competition with Edison’s company. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Imagery of Disease in Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay
Imagery of Disease in Hamlet by William Shakespeare The disease imagery in Hamlet serves to constantly remind the reader of the initial problem in the play: King Hamlets poisoning by his brother. After hearing his father graphically describe the murder, it is constantly on Hamlets mind. For this reason, many of the images that Hamlet creates in the play are connected with disease and poison. The literal poisoning becomes symbolic of the rest of the events of the play. Remember that poisoning through the ear can be taken literally or figuratively (through speech and lies). Look at Poloniuss conversation with Ophelia about Hamlet, Claudius lies to Laertes and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. There are examples of decay imagery†¦show more content†¦Also, he said that it was questionable whether Ophelia took her own life, or accidentially fell in the water. I wanted to respond to Toms posting on Christian imagery in Hamlet. I thought he brought up some interesting points that I had overlooked in my reading. The idea of the Ghost of Hamlet as a parallel to the Holy Ghost is obvious to me. I agree with Tom in his description of what the Holy Ghost (spirit) is meant to be to us Christains. Along those same lines, the Ghost of Hamlet seems to have the same purpose in this play. He speaks to Hamlet without ever saying a word. He seems to guide him in his quest to revenge his death. Just as Christians are taught to feel the presence of the Holy Ghost, Hamlet feels the presence of his fathers Ghost. In the scene where he is argueing with Gertrude, Hamlet stops when he feels his fathers ghost. I believe he indeed felt his presence before he say him. There is no evidence in the text to support my claim, but it is just an interpretation I have. Another reference I like is our saviours birth is celebrated, (1672, line 140). This also to me shows how King Hamlet is often viewed as Christ-like. There seems to be a constant parallel between Christ and HamletShow MoreRelated Imagery of Disease and Decay in Hamlet Essays1069 Words  | 5 PagesImagery of Disease and Decay in Hamlet     William Shakespeare found that imagery was a useful tool to give his works greater impact and hidden meaning. In Hamlet, Shakespeare used imagery to present ideas about the atmosphere, Hamlets character, and the major theme of the play. He used imagery of decay to give the reader a feel of the changing atmosphere. He used imagery of disease to hint how some of the different characters perceived Hamlet as he put on his antic disposition. And finallyRead More Disease and Death in Hamlet Essay992 Words  | 4 PagesDisease and Death in Hamlet     In Shakespeares time, Denmark was a horrible, rotting, poisoned land due to its hidden deceit. In Hamlet, Shakespeare makes many references to this as a means of clarifying relationships in the story. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Budget and Operational Budgeting Free Essays
What are the four major types of agency budgeting systems? The four types of agency budgeting systems are capitol budgeting, operational budgeting, personnel budgeting, expendables and accountable. The relative advantage between these is they have a need to be the foundation for the company. These are what help the company as far as pay, salary and uniforms. We will write a custom essay sample on Budget and Operational Budgeting or any similar topic only for you Order Now This budgeting system allows for the company to figure out what will be needed to perform certain jobs and how many of what might be needed for an operation. Capitol Budgeting Capitol budgeting is part of an agency budget that pays for the long lasting agency asserts. This asserts include the building for which the company will work in. Durable goods also come in under this budget which will be the equipment that has to be long lasting. These funds are treated separate from other categories of funds. Without this budget it leaves a company with no work place. There has to be a work place for the staff to come together. Operational BudgetingOperational budgeting involves the development of financial plans for the organization, typically for a year. While annual budgets need not be subdivided into shorter periods, monthly or quarterly budgets are especially useful for anticipating cash needs and for comparing actual experience with plan. A comprehensive master budget requires planning for all phases of the operation. (Operational Budgeting, 2005) This budget will include salaries of the personnel that work for the company.It also cover the water bill, electric, gasoline, supplies, postage and other expendable items that are in this category. Personnel Budgeting Personnel Budgeting is for all personnel that work for the company from office worker, field worker, and janitorial staff. This budget includes the salaries, training, medical, and all taxes withheld. This budget is important due to the company needs a staff to run operations for certain task. Then personnel also need to be trained on how to perform the job the correct way. Expendable and AccountableExpendable is a needed budget to see what supplies will be needed. Since most law enforcement job have tons of office work the items that this budget would cover is paper, pens, clips, and folders. This budget is used to see what is consumed. Then there is accountable this would budget the uniforms, weapons, and equipment such as; scanner, and computers. Accountable budget will be looked at as for property with greater value. Personal Thoughts The four of the budgets covered in this paper run hand and hand with each other. The reason I view them as a part of each other is for the simple fact that is they are all are needs of a company. A company has to have supplies, equipment and some type of dress code such as a uniform. A budget is needed for every company and there are many different levels that a company must budget on from putting their needs first to then what the company might want. At some point and time a budget can be gone over meaning that there might have been more training need or more paper used due to more reports need to be done that why I covered the expendables and accountable. How to cite Budget and Operational Budgeting, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Waterscapes free essay sample
Colins dictionary defines waterscape as a picture, view, or representation of a body of water. But in architectural terms waterscape may be defined as the built environment designed to enhance the effect of water contained or represented within it. HISTORY The origin of water usage in a large scale in gardens can be traced back to over-hanging or cantilever Gardens of Babylon where water was transported to each terrace by the help of water wheels. In Egypt water handling instruments like Shaduf , water clocks and Egyptian water wheel or Noria started being used. In nature water seems to go through three distinct phases. Firstly it is wild in small carefree rivulets which have been created out of springs and surface channels and in which in due time unite to become a river. Secondly, it is captured and put to labour in irrigation channels reservoirs and buildings of all kinds. Thirdly the shapes formed not only in natural movement but those of captivity have inspired man to fashion water as a work of art. It is probable that the inspiration of natural movement culminated in Bermini’s fountain in Rome and that of water in captivity is the Persian paradise garden.The Persian paradise garden, evolving over a long period as was an Oasis in the desert. The channels of water became symbols, and surface of water was aerated and kept in movement by low fountains. The first Persian garden is the Pasagarde’s garden where Char Bagh concept of Paradise garden was used for the first time. Here the streams represent four rivers culminating in the pavilion. The Chinese gardens were basically Imperial in nature i. e. in the form of summer lake palaces of the kings where huge water bodies or lakes were present.It is not until we came to Italy in Renaissance that we meet the full glory of the fountains and this was no doubt due to the difficulty in Mesopotamia of not merely acquiring water but of giving it a sufficient spray to give a fountain display. The Greeks took little interest in water design as they were never for off from the dramatic seacoast. On the other hand Romans developed a passion for water mainly for their urge for sensual material pleasures. They built great baths and to supply these brought water from the surrounding hills through aqueducts. Romans also built a bath in the courtyard within their homes for private use.It was in 622 A. D. that the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina took place. In short time, the Muslims were carrying their faith and water designs eastwards to India and westward to Spain. The essential characteristics of water to the Arab were in fact it’s rarity. It was a precious element that needed to be used for ablutions and for irrigation because life itself depended on it, water entered their religion. Hence water was the essential ingredient of the Islamic garden. In Persia it was brought, the garden by â€Å"Quanat†from acquifiers located at the base of snow covered mountain ranges.Water flowed by gravity in underground pipes and flooded the channels and tanks around which the garden was organized and served as the irrigation system for the trees and plants. The water would then flow out of the garden and supply the agricultural and domestic needs of the community. The systems were entirely gravity fed and the gardens ideally and conceptually flat were in fact on a slight gradient. Because of agricultural irrigation origins the water in Char Bagh in later Mughal Gardens is also contained in water carrying channels.In India Mughal gardens became the patrons of beautiful landscape and waterscape elements and their glory cab be witnessed in Taj Mahal, Agra, Nishat Bagh Kashmir, Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi and many other Mughal Gardens. Also stepwells developed in India because of utilitarian purposes in North- West India to draw out water in scant-rainfall areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat. These wells are called as Baori or Baoli in Rajasthan and Vav in Gujarat. Italian gardens mark the beginning of fountains, cascades, water organs etc. which form the basis of Modern Watercapes.Eg:- Villa dEste Fountains that take exhausted minds back to nature find their greatest expression in magnificent Villa dEste, the most spectacular theatre deau in the world. Spread out on a steep slope in the Latium Hills, the garden contains innumerable variations of fountains and the forms imaginative designers can give water. Ligorio linked hundreds of fountains in a series of liquid episodes-gurgling or flowing gushing or seeping, springing or churning-following one unifying theme: the water source. A reservoir above the villa collects water from the river flowing through Tivoli.Each morning, around 11:00 A. M. , after enough water has been amassed, gardeners open the valves, releasing water down the hillside and stirring the grounds to life. Water from one fountain spills over its carved concave lip, rushes down the slope, disappears beneath the garden steps, and passes through a staircase railing to activate another fountain down below. Every fountain relies on another for its water. If one fountain is plugged with leaves or fingers, then the next one in the sequence coughs and sputters. The most glorious expression of this liquid continuity is the Avenue of the One Hundred Fountains.Lining a long terrace, nozzles direct water upward. The water fans out in the chlorophyllous garden light and then falls back to the stones in drops, forming rivulets among the moss and plants. In between, berceaux leapfrog down the line past vigilant DEste eagles, while the row of one hundred jets squirt in succession, forming the famous water perspective. Moving up the hill, transept sidewalks extend from the main axis while the fountains steadily get bigger, wetter, and louder. Shaded paths lead to a stone arcade with a room made entirely by a veil of showers.Water gushes from massive pillars to fill an oval basin that receives invading, long-range berceaux. Nearby, crashing cascades are flung back up in the air by a firing range of jets deau, enlivening an elaborate stage setting for concerts at the hydraulic organ up above. In another fountain, water replaces fire in a stone dragons toothy mouth while urns marching up the balustrades shoot arcs of water at the imaginary flames. Over the years, jets, cascades, and sprays have saturated the stone metropolis, disintegrating the magnificent buildings into crumbly shells.Throughout the garden, the soft curves of the walks and balustrades blend with the natural contours and slopes. Erupting jets deau imitate in white water the similarly shaped green cypresses in the distance. While water is immediate and close enough to be felt, it can also be viewed in the distance, springing, dancing, and rushing through la bella natura. Finally, in the courtyard of the villa, at the top of the hill, a fountain with one small jet ends the performance that began down the hill with the equally tiny fountain at the gate.The lesson of the Villa dEste is that water is a natural material, and that, although controlled by gravity and natural laws, it can be coaxed, shaped, and transformed: We can try to achieve harmony with nature, we can try to ignore it, or we can try to master itor we can find ourselves, at the end of the twentieth century, in a confused, ecological attempt to do all three at once. PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN USED IN CONTEMPORARY TIMES: . The principles involved are- SCALE IMMEDIACY MATERIAL LIGHTING ACOUSTICS MOVEMENT SCALE: Scale implies a comparison by an observer between a water feature and a size reference.The size reference may be a human figure, sim ilar water features or the overall spatial environment around the feature. Scale is a ratio and its assessment varies from person to person, though with in reasonable limits. The observer, first tries to relate any water feature to himself. Hence small water bodies are easy to assess in size since they relate to the human dimension directly. Larger expanses of water induce the observer to search for vertical objects of relatable sizes on the far end to comprehend the horizontal dimension across.Trees or buildings on the fart side give a clue to the expanse of the feature and also help in defining the spatial environment. The visual comprehension of the third dimension of a surface structure involves a recognizing of its height. The third dimension, which is depth in case of water, is easily comprehensible. It is well known that the laws of reflection makes the water body appears much shallower than it actually is. The slope of the bank around the water feature often provides a clue to the observer as the slope is expected to continue unchanged into the watery depths.The clarity of water also affects the assessment of the depths and hence volume of the water bodies. In general dark murky water convey a feeling of depth, hence making the water feature appear deeper. The importance of size and volume of the water feature relative to the overall spatial environment cannot be understood, this would mean examining the feature in as large contest as possible. It also means looking of the volume of the space in which the feature will be located. The height of the surrounding buildings must also be considered.The water gardens of Kashmir are excellent examples of compromise between human scale and the scale of the natural environment. The presence of the lake and mountains is acknowledged in the planned scale, however the use of the terraces make each segment of garden small enough for humans to relate to. In the Mughal tomb gardens the layout of the water features were successfully planned with the scale matching the volume of the structure they built for. For example in Taj the central quadrangle with the famous reflecting pool in sized to reflect the whole facade of the mausoleum. IMMEDIACY: -The degree of involvement that a water feature provides determines its immediacy. The involvement may by psychological or physical in nature. Physical interaction with water will imply a degree of mental involvement. The degree of involvement is and should be left to be a question of individual perception. The immediacy of a feature depends on the accessibility it offers. This is why the fountains of Rome were often built below the road level, so that the pedestrians could sit on the rim next to the water. Hence the architectural and landscape treatment of the waters edge is very important to provide immediacy.The auditory and tactile sensations of water are as important as our visual impression of it; A successful design should allow the observer to come in actual physical contact if desired. The degree of involvement sought by humans depends upon the climate of that region. People in a cold climate will look upon water only as a visual element. However to the inhabitants of a hot dry climate water assumes a physical, psychological and spiritual significance. The Mughals descending from the cold plateaus of central Asia found the plains of India to be too hot dry and dusty.Thus they evolved the concept of an open pavilion under which water flowed. In the Mughal gardens stone seats were often located over small cascades or in the centre of the pools. Now days many designed water features go even further in providing a multitude of possibilities for contact with water. MATERIALS: Most of the early pools and fountains were constructed out of stone combined with bronze, but these materials are hardly used today, due to prohibitive costs. One of the best stones, available is Granite. It is readily available in large monolithic blocks and resist erosion. Secondly wet granite exhibits its superb grains and coloration best. Brick provides exceptionally rich textures on pool surfaces. It is however generally used as a cladding over concrete. Brick varies considerably in its absorption capacity depending on the type of clay used, the density and the firing temp. The bricks used under water must be treated with sealant. Also the joints must be of the best quality. Metals like copper and brass can be used in small pools. Both these metals attain an attractive colour when wet. However if the water used is chlorinated the metal will slowly turn back. The most common material used is concrete.The quality of concrete, which makes it, such a versatile material are well known but unfinished concrete does not bled with water. Hence some sought of texture and coloured surface treatment should be rendered. Other materials which have been used but are less common are fiber glass and wood. LIGHT: In designing water features it is often overlooked to provide on orientation that takes advantage of direct sunlight. All jets and waterfalls are spectacularly transformed when they are viewed with the sun behind them, illustrating the spray and every drop of water. However it is not always possible to take advantage of natural light.Then night lighting of water features must be provided. Water can be illuminated from with in or with out. Under water lighting should be shielded from direct view. The objectives should be to let the viewer see the effect rather than the source of light. One of the latest innovations has been to use fiber optics for lighting. This allows neon effects to be created without the rigidity of neon lights. The light glow appears soft and lends on ethereal quality. The Mughal element of the Chini-Khana in which lamps were placed behind cascade is a superb example of the amalgamation of water and lighting.ACOUSTICS: This is one of the fields in which the least attention is paid to while designing. The sound of water is an important as the feel of water. The amount of turbulence, drop distance, the angle and depth of the catch pool all control the sound of water. The shallower the receiving pool the higher the pitch will be of the sound of water as there is less depth to cushion the falling water. Another principle, which can be exploited, is that if waterfalls are directly in front of a cavity the sound will be magnified and carried much more than with a flat surface.If built into a stream, a waterfall should look as natural as possible and be constructed so that water actually tumbles over rocks and does not just drip down behind them along the butyl lining. Select smooth, regular rocks with flat faces that will fit snugly against the vertical face of the lining and fill in any gaps with waterproof resin. Arrange the waterfalls so that they match the lie of the land or, conversely, re-landscape the surrounding garden in order to make the waterfalls appear as natural as possible. If your garden does not have a natural slope, you will have to construct an artificial mound out of heavy soil.Use a pump that is strong enough to produce a good flow of water, as water gushing down a waterfall is much more impressive than a lacklustre trickle. Narrowing the part of the stream that contains the waterfall will make the flow seem stronger, but do not use this trick too often otherwise it will become obvious. A series of waterfalls with white, frothing, tumbling water will make an exciting cascade and create an excellent centrepiece. In gravity based systems the vertical drops control the velocity, whereas the form over which water flows controls the direction, appearance and turbulence.The volume of flow is also important to the final effect. When the water flows through a channel it is possible to create turbulence in it by narrowing or turning the channel at a sharp angle, widening has the opposite effect. Angular protrusions in the channel can also help to produce turbulence whereas streamlined protrusions will produce eddies. If the channel in which water is flowing is a shallow one, splashy frothy appearance can be created by random roughening of the channel bottom. Patterned roughening can create waves. The advantage of using turbulence and white water is that a relatively small amount can be made to appear much greater and more dramatic. Free falling water is produced by an under cut drop. The lip over which water-flows are called weir. Weir’s must be designed to relate to the volume of water and the desired effect. The rounded weir sharply undercut gives a straight vertical sheet fall. A flat straight edged weir creates the most transparent sheet. An irregular surface will produce a fragmented sheet. When the velocity of water flowing over a weir reaches a certain point the water will not fall vertically but at an angle.Also turbulence in the upper pool can disturb the sheet of falling water. This can be overcome by accelerating the water approach using some sort of a ski-jump. 2. FOUNTAINS Fountains are decorative features of both outdoor public spaces like squares, and intimate indoor spaces in private dwellings, and they reflected the architectural taste and styles of their time. Fountain water can be inspiring or threatening, but it can also be life giving and purifying. The fountain dignifies the water, makes it special, respects and cherishes it. Fountains can also assert mastery over nature, with stilled water controlled in a geometric shape or spouting water jetted against gravity by machinery. While most Oriental gardeners abstained from shooting and spraying water, seventeenth- and eighteenth: -century French architects and landscapers very consciously tried to forcer la nature, enthusiastically assembling water devices to produce dazzling effects, some natural and some mechanical. These designers were not, however, trying to stifle or upstage the nature that they were forcing.Instead, they sought to animate and enrich nature by applying the reason and technology they had developed. Water spouting through nozzles was admirably suited to help achieve these ends, since designers could easily alter and improvise upon the nozzles shapes and sizes. Each fountain form has its appropriate place, but sometimes they can all be combined into a grand composition known as a theatre d’eau . A fountain does not have to be grand, though, or require exotic flushes of water to be successful. Fountains are hypnotic; as psychological outlets they are enduringly charming.Not only does the refreshing play of water attract people, but water and its stories are a source of constant fascination for landlocked city dwellers. The function of the fountain constitutes the basis for each design. It is important to distinguish between the fountains as a mere decorative element or the symbol of part of town. The choice of location influences the size and design of fountains, consideration must be given to the local climate. The wind can blow dirt into the basin however surrounding trees and buildings can act as wind breaks. The construction of fountain basin constitutes important part of design. The basin depth is generally between 200 and 600mm, but sometimes as little as 100mm. But it lights have to be installed they require a greater depth. A sunken basin is a particularly attractive feature but wind and rain sweep dirt into the water. A 100 mm high rim is sufficient to prevent this. This rim can also be treated to form a series of seating steps, but by far the most important part of the fountain is the it. There are four types of jets:-Aerated jets. Spay heads, smooth bore nozzles and formed nozzles. History Throughout history, fountains have symbolized sacred sources, the origin of life, and the initial stage of the water cycle.At one time fountains were usually at the ends of aqueducts, where the water pressure was the mightiest and the need for distribution most urgent. The combination of fertility of the â€Å"life-giving side†and the notion of â€Å"purifying creation†reinforces two important images of the water source. Before the advent of modern plumbing, fountains and their networks of aqueducts and cisterns were essential systems in towns or cities. To emphasize their importance, people since ancient times have decorated their civic wells and fountains with symbols of their town’s history or the mythology associated with the water source.Fountains symbolize both the emergence and disappearance of fresh water. When water is pure and clear, it can also indicate chastity. According to legend, a virgin sprite named Trivia led a band of parched Roman soldiers in 19 B. c. to the source of a secret spring near Salone, a town east of Rome. For the local townspeople, such an underground spring was the stuff of folklore-no one had ever actually seen or tasted the water, but it was endowed with magical, restorative powers.When the soldiers took news of the discovery back to the city, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, the master builder of Augustan Rome, ordered the construction of an aqueduct to carry the water through the campagna to the city. This unusually pure and sweet-tasting liquid became known as the Aqua Virgo, Latin for virgin water-according to the hydrologist Sextus Julius Frontinus, It was called Virgo, because a young girl pointed out certain springs to some soldiers hunting for water, and when they followed these up and dug, they found a copious supply. The legend of the dancing maiden spread quickly, as did the water she led the soldiers to. In a survey of the Roman waterworks, Frontinus tabulates that by a. D. 70 the Aqua Virgo was connected to 2,504 taps in Rome, distributing the clear, pure water to basins, camps, public buildings, and ornamental fountains. At the Trevis helm, Oceanus towers in the center of a triumphal arch. As the protector of the sea and a godfather to the Greek pantheon, Oceanus guards the wellspring of life and commands its torrential release. With an outstretched arm, he rushes unreservedly into the wind, which ruffles his beard and flaps his cloak into a frenzy of marbleized drapery.Beckoning to a pair of winged stallions with his index finger, he charges them with life, just as Michelangelos Sistine Chapel God of Creation does for Adam. The Trevi is the ultimate joining of water and architecture. Like the water it plays with, the fountain is a repository for countless dreams and fantasies. Yet despite its mythic and grandiose theatricalities, the Trevi never loses its amazing ability to relate to everyday customs. People gather daily around the fountain to bask in the sun and spray and gossip about politics, the price of vegetables, and the latest neighborhood scandal.In the evening, the Trevi is a mandatory stop for locals on the passeggiatta circuit, while droves of tourists ritually flip a small fortune of lire, quarters, or marks over their shoulders into the basin, supposedly guaranteeing them one special wish as well as a return trip to the Eternal City. Overlooking all the activity is a stone panel most of the time unnoticed by the Trevis visitors . This carved relief, above Oceanuss left shoulder, depicts a young girl standing to the side of a group of men who observe a spring gushing from the ground. The water of trevi, then, in constant agitation down below the panel, is the same water that the virgin sprite Trivia led the soldiers to on that hot summer day two thousand years before. Having already outlived one language, the Italian Acqua Vergine continues to stream from the same ducts as the Latin Aqua Virgo so long ago. People know and love this place not only for physical attributes, but also for the colorful tales and legends passed on from generation to generation. For all of history, people depended on fresh water, so its source was always n important place-where people gathered, settlements flourished, and cities were established. Within towns or cities, then, fountains typically designate important urban places. Even today, when most cities do not rely on public fountains for their water supplies, fountains still become focal points in communities. The most important part of the fountain is the jet. There are four types of jets: Aerated jets. Spay heads, smooth bore nozzles and formed nozzles. ? Aerated jets introduce air into the descharged water in order to create foamy effects.All aerated jets are designed to be discharged under water so that the jets would not be visible but they require more pressure to reach the same height than a jet, mounted above water. These jets can also cause a tidal surge within a basin. If this condition occurs the nozzle will alternatively shoot water up to the normal height and then shoot up two or three times more. The basins therefore have to be large enough to avoid surge. ? Spray heads come in an endless shapes and types and ordinarily consists of a number of fine jets often in a circular or fan shaped.The simplest nozzle produce a stream of water either clear or accreted. If set at an angle they throw parabolic water arches, these can also be installed under water to create turbulent. ? Formed nozzles are shaped in order to produce a certain pattern and the range of possibilities are infinite. Some of these heads are adjustable. As these heads utilize a thin shed of water for their effects the result can be effected adversely by wind or dirt in the nozzle. Animated fountains: Animated fountain in front of the Brooklyn Museum consists of laminar flow water jets. Animated fountains often use laminar jets that provide water that moves like ping pong balls in animation, so that it breaks up, as the height varies, and the behaviour of each jet operates independently with up to 5 Hz modulation frequency 1/5sec, so that the water packets collide with themselves. For example, the such fountains can spit up one ball of water which then explodes, showering people with a fine mist. A musical fountain is a type of fountain that uses laser and harmonics principles to create three-dimensional images that look like holograms.Other meanings: In Islam a fountain is the name of the place in the Mosque where worshippers can wash before Prayer. A water fountain is designed to provide drinking water and has a basin arrangement with either continuously running water or a tap. Modern indoor drinking fountains may incorporate filters to remove impurities from the water and chillers to reduce its temperature. A splash fountain or bathing fountain is a fountain i ntended for people to cool off in. Although many fountains were not designed as bathing fountains, children of all ages often use them for that purpose.Some fountains are fenced in, or have raised edges as a barricade to keep people out. In other situations, fountains are designed to allow easy access, and feature nonslip surfaces, so that people can safely use them to cool off in on hot summer days The key to making successful and captivating fountains is to control the way water moves to produce whatever effect is desired (animating, enlivening, relaxing, soothing, exploding. dancing, swirling, or splashing) without losing control of the water or ruining the fountain with tangles of pipes, wires, or gizmos.The sound of falling water is soothing and gives the impression of coolness. A fountain also keeps water moving and this will help prevent the growth of algae in a pond, as well as oxygenating the water for fish and other aquatic animals. Fountains are most usually associated with pools. The simplest kind consists of a pump submerged under the water with the fountain nozzle just above the surface; various spray patterns are available. Stand the pump on a pile of bricks or a wooden framework, if necessary, to bring the nozzle up to the correct height.The fountain head will not be obtrusive as interest is focused on the water, but it is possible to disguise it by burying it in a pile of stones with the water emerging from the top. For more of a feature, install a sculptural fountain, which can be placed in the centre or at the edge of the pool. It is essential that such fountains are attached to a secure base and care must be taken not to puncture the pool liner. Fountain Utilities: NOISE Fountains also are used for noise mitigation. The sounds of splashing, flowing or moving water can mask bothersome noises. A person seated by a fountain in a park or courtyard hears the fragile sounds of water rather than distracting city noises. Although mitigating noise is a practical application of a fountain, the desired result is to create a more pleasant environment and thus an aesthetic purpose also is served. Fountains sometimes are specifically designed and installed to mitigate noise. A fountains ability to mask noise is in direct proportion to the loudness of its water sounds. A fountain with a high-pressured flow dropping or falling from a significant height into a pool or onto a hard surface would create clamorous water sounds.These could mask relatively high volume noises. The surrounding area or setting of a water fountain also affects its potential to mitigate noise. For example, a fountain in a courtyard surrounded by adobe walls creates a different effect a softer, more absorbed sound than does a fountain amidst tile or stainless steel surfaces. The latter reflects more sound and has more potential to cover louder noises. The presence of walls or other surfaces can focus and direct the sounds of a fountain COOLING EFFECT A fountain also can be used to cool an area.For cooling to occur, a fountain must be active, with water and air mixing to encourage evaporation and a cooling effect. The more interaction between water and air, the greater the potential for cooling. For example, a reflecting pond, with a smooth, flat surface, obviously exposes less water to the air than does a misting system spraying small particles of water directly into the air. A fountain that sprays water into the air thus cools more effectively. A fountains potential to cool an area also depends upon ambient conditions.A fountain located within an open plaza surrounded by concrete wont provide much relief from the heat of the sun. More comfort would be provided by a fountain within an enclosed area with shaded surfaces. Fountains installed on the north side of buildings and walls are sheltered from the sun and thus provide better cooling. Trees and vegetation also provide shade By increasing evaporation and dispersing the cooled air, air flow or currents also influence the cooling potential of fountains. In the Middle East fountains are designed to better take advantage of air flow to increase a cooling effect.A small hole or opening in a wall would capture the prevailing wind, concentrating and directing it over the fountain. Increased evaporation results, and the cool air is transported beyond the fountain and into the interior of courtyards or buildings. By creating micro-climates, fountains can make a cooling difference within a relatively small area or zone. Fountains are not a likely strategy, however, to mitigate the heat island effect of large urban areas. The heat absorption of the urban mass is too substantial for fountains to counteract its effect on a large scale.Fountain Lights: Underwater lighting design Highlight the decorative elements of your garden water feature [pic] Fountain lights can make a huge difference to your garden water feature by highlighting decorative elements, illuminating the water and fish and adding colour to the fountain itself. Dramatic designer effects can be created with different colored lenses and many illumination kits now include these as standard. Getting the most out of your fountain lights Light reflects off water beautifully and if placed well fountain light s can change the look of your water feature dramatically. Deciding where to put your lights is very important. The first consideration is how deep to place your lights. The deeper the water the more the light will disperse. Having clear water also helps the illumination as dirty water deadens the effect of your lighting. If the water in your fountain is moving this will distort the effect of the lights causing constant changes to the effect. The Aesthetic Benefits of Fountains Along with serving practical purposes, fountains also provide aesthetic benefits. All fountains, even those designed for a specific use, are generally aesthetically pleasing. To cool air or mitigate noise, water must move, and moving water attracts and appeals. Aesthetics therefore is built into almost all fountains. At their best fountains are monuments to the fascination of water. That water is beautiful, even in an irrigation ditch or flowing from a tap, is easily overlooked. Water play in fountains is water out of the context of every-day usefulness and provides an opportunity for humans to appreciate the power and attraction of water. Fountains especially allow urbanized people, far removed from natural sources of water, to indulge in the pleasures of free flowing water.Water conservation devices also are recommended for fountains. For example, wind shut-off valves can be installed on fountains to turn off water flow during windy periods when evaporation is high. Such fountains are equipped with anemometers to measure wind conditions. Also timers can be installed to turn off fountain flow at night when it is less likely to be observed. Fountains not using water Karesansui Gardens : In the Japanese Gardens of Karesansui the rocks are etched to gaive textures of flowing streams and the sand is raked in the form of water streams.Mercury fountain: For the Barcelona exhibition of 1937 Alexander Calder created in remembrance the miners who were killed at the mercury mines at Almaden a memorial fountain, which uses mercury instead of water. (Today it is enclosed behind glass. ) Gin fountain: During New York Citys first drought emergency in modern times, Gene Moore, window designer for Tiffanys, created sparkling fountains hung with diamonds. On a Tiffany card in a corner was the note: This is not New Yorks precious water. This is gin. And it was gin. POOLS Pools are one of the most popular garden features.They can be any size, from a small, formal raised structure built on a patio, to a full-sized lake. They must be sited where they will receive plenty of light; the water plants themselves will provide ample shade and protection for wildlife. Formal gardens are best served with ponds that are regular and geometric in shape: circles, squares, ovals and rectangles are all suitable. For an elaborate feature, use a more complex shape such as a cross, a hexagon or a dumbbell shape. Triangular pools can be constructed, but these tend to look better in modern gardens where they are more likely to fit in with asymmetrical designs.The pool should be edged in a formal way, with paving stones or bricks. Any planting should be within the pool itself and is best restricted to one or two choice water lilies or a few marginal plants with impressive foliage. Informal ponds can be of any shape but they are usually sinuous in outline. They should be well in integrated into the surroundings and blurred at the edges with waterside planting that starts on the bank and moves down into the water. Informal ponds are often constructed in association with bog gardens, and once fully planted, these wet, spongy features will help merge the pool into the landscape. There is a wide choice of construction methods and materials to choose from, the major ones being concrete, butyl rubber liners and pre-formed shells. As a general rule, more irregular shapes are easier to construct using liners or pre-formed shells rather than concrete; concrete is best reserved for formal and raised structures. The disadvantage of pre-formed shells, however, is that you are restricted to the shapes on offer and it is difficult to blur their edges with planting; once installed, they should be edged with stones and plants.It is much easier to disguise the edges of pools made with butyl rubber liners, and these flexible liners can accommodate virtually any shape of pool, sinuous or angular. Plant the shallows of the pool with marginal plants, keeping the marshy area around the pool for bog plants. Place water lilies on the pool floor, along with other deep water aquatics; these should be planted in planting baskets and carefully lowered into the water. Introduce sever al clumps of submerged plants and floating aquatics to help keep algae at bay and to encourage all manner of wildlife.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Lecture Notes Beowulf free essay sample
Genre A heroic folk epic rooted in the oral tradition of the Anglo Saxons, Beowulf is an anonymous poem committed to paper by an unknown Christian monk in 1000 Common Era, some 300 years after it was first composed. The manuscript is part of a document known as Cotton Vitellus A housed in a British Library. Beowulf belongs to the epic genre of long, narrative poems dealing with heroic deeds against a background of war and the supernatural and themes of grandeur and significance. Full of legendary myths and somber, elegiac cadences, it has been composed in the Anglo Saxon vernacular and can be classed amongst other great epics such as the Illiad, Odyssey, Aenied and Paradise Lost to name a few. The name Beowulf is a kenning, Bee-Hunter reflecting the warrior heritage of the central character Basic Plot The poem is eponymously named for its hero Bewoulf, a great warrior and later King, who sets out to rescue King Hrothgar and his people from the monster Grendel. We will write a custom essay sample on Lecture Notes Beowulf or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the course of the poem, we see Beowulf slaying first Grendel and then his revenge seeking mother. Beowulf’s final conflict takes place with the Dragon angered by the plundering of the treasure it is guarding. Structure of the Poem There are three prevailing views as to the structure of the poem: -the structure is defined by the three increasingly difficult conflicts Beowulf faces -the structure can also be viewed in terms of kingship for instance, young Beowulf and old Beowulf with a different set of problems to be faced during each phase -the structure is that of interlacing of memories with narratives of present, a cyclical process of action, memory and reflection Background Although the poem is rooted in the Anglo Saxon as well as early Christian traditions, it reflects two distinct value systems frequently at odds with each other. For instance, in line with its Anglo-Saxon origins, the poem celebrates the Germanic heroic code, which, exemplifying the pagan warrior culture, lays stress upon family ties, genealogy, immortality through fame and revenge for wrongs done to one’s kith and kin. It values ancestral heritage and individual reputation. Christianity, on the other hand, believes in immortality in terms of the afterlife and teaches that vengeance is best left to God. Bewoulf and Grendel Bewoulf is not just a warrior and king. He also serves as a cultural ideal and as an incarnation of Anglo Saxon values and beliefs. The ‘Cain-descended’ Grendel, with his innate desire to tear asunder whatever has integrity, represents chaos and disorder, in contrast to Bewoulf, who represents order and cosmos. Grendel is the ultimate exile. Unferth Unferth acts as a foil to Beowulf by accentuating through contrast the character of the latter. He redeems his earlier verbal taunting (flyting) of Beowulf by offering him his sword in a later conflict. Literary devices/techniques Litotes-understatement e. g, ‘Cain had no pleasure from that find’ Kenning-metaphorical descriptions combining two words to offer evocative alternative to original Caesura-a pause in the line of a poem Alliteration- In language, alliteration refers to the repetition of a particular sound in the first syllables of a series of words or phrases.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Creative Writing How to Get Started with Creative Writing [+ 9 Exercises]
Creative Writing How to Get Started with Creative Writing [+ 9 Exercises] Creative Writing: How to Get Started with Creative Writing [+ 9 Exercises] Creative writing is one of those skills you can eternally get better at.Now, were not saying your creative writing is bad necessarily, but just that if you want to continue to push yourself in this industry, youll need some work.You might not like to face that truth, but it is indeed a truth. I’ll go into more detail about that in a little bit but every writer out there needs some writing tips to help them get better.And one of the best ways to get better at creative writing is to first learn and understand the craft of it, and then challenge yourself by completing writing exercises.Heres what youll learn about creative writing:What is creative writing?Creative writing topicsElements of creative writingExamples of creative writing9 powerful creative writing exercisesNOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Fiction Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereWhat is Creative Writing?Creative w riting is a form of writing where creativity is at the forefront of its purpose through using imagination, creativity, and innovation in order to tell a story through strong written visuals with an emotional impact. It’s often seen as the opposite of journalistic or academic writing.When it comes to writing, there are many different types. As you already know, all writing does not read in the same way.Creative writing uses senses and emotions in order to create a strong visual in the reader’s mind whereas other forms of writing typically only leave the reader with facts and information instead of emotional intrigue.Creative Writing TopicsIf you’re looking for a few creative writing topics to dive into (which you’ll need if you’re going to use some of our top writing exercises), we have exactly what you need.These are our top creative writing prompts all compiled for you.Just fill out the form below and your writing prompts will be delivered promptl y! What are the Elements of Creative Writing?In order to get better at creative writing, you have to understand the elements of what makes writing a book great.You can’t build a car engine without understanding how each part plays a role, right? That’s the same case with writing.Here are the elements that make up creative writing and why each is just as important as the other.Unique Plot What differentiates creative writing and other forms of writing the most is the fact that the former always has a plot of some sort and a unique one. Yes, remakes are also considered creative writing, however, most creative writers create their own plot formed by their own unique ideas. Without having a plot, there’s no story.And without a story, you’re really just writing facts on paper, much like a journalist.Character development Characters are necessary for creative writing. While you can certainly write a book creatively using the second person point of view (which Iâ⠂¬â„¢ll cover below), you still have to develop the character in order to tell the story.Character development can be defined as the uncovering of who a character is and how they change throughout the duration of your story. From start to end, readers should be able to understand your main characters deeply.Underlying themeAlmost every story out there has an underlying theme or message even if the author didn’t necessarily intend for it to. But creative writing needs that theme or message in order to be complete. That’s part of the beauty of this form of art. By telling a story, you can also teach lessons.Visual descriptions When you’re reading a newspaper, you don’t often read paragraphs of descriptions depicting the surrounding areas of where the events took place. Visual descriptions are largely saved for creative writing.You need them in order to help the reader understand what the surroundings of the characters look like. This pulls readers in and a llows them to imagine themselves in the characters’ shoes which is the reason people read.Point of view There are a few points of views you can write in. That being said, the two that are most common in creative writing are first person and third person.First Person In this point of view, the narrator is actually the main character. This means that you will read passages including, â€Å"I†and understand that it is the main character narrating the story.Second Person Most often, this point of view isn’t used in creative writing, but rather instructional writing like this blog post. When you see the word â€Å"you†and the narrator is speaking directly to you, it’s second person point of view.Third Person Within this point of view are a few different variations. You have third person limited, third person multiple, and third person omniscient. The first is what you typically find.Third person limiteds narrator uses â€Å"he/she/they†wh en speaking about the character you’re following. They know that character’s inner thoughts and feelings but nobody else’s. It’s much like first person, but instead of the character telling the story, a narrator takes their place.Third person multiple is the same as limited except that the narrator now knows the inner thoughts and feelings of several characters.The last, third person omniscient, is when the narrator still uses â€Å"he/she/they†but has all of the knowledge. They know everything about everyone.Dialogue While non-creative writing can have dialogue (like in interviews), that dialogue is not used in the same way as it is in creative writing. Creative writing (aside from silent films) requires dialogue to support the story.Your characters should interact with one another in order to further the plot and development each other more.Imaginative language Part of what makes creative writing creative is the way you choose to craft the visio n in your mind. And that means creative writing uses more anecdotes, metaphors, similes, figures of speech, and other comparisons in order to paint a vivid image in the reader’s mind.Emotional appeal All writing can have emotional appeal. However, it’s the entire goal of creative writing. Your job as a writer is to make people feel how you want them to by telling them a story.Examples of Creative WritingSince creative writing covers such a wide variety of writing, we wanted to break down the different types of creative writing out there to help you make sense of it. You may know that novels are considered creative writing, but what about memoirs?Here are examples of creative writing:NovelsShort storiesPoetryPlaysMemoirs TV show scriptsMovei scriptssongsspeeches9 Creative Writing Exercises to Improve Your WritingWriting is just like any other skill. You have to work at it in order to get better.It’s also much like other skills because the more you do it, the stro nger you become in it. That’s why exercising your creative writing skills is so important.The best authors out there, including Stephen King, recommend writing something every single day. These writing exercises will help you accomplish that and improve your talent immensely.Have you checked out our fiction writing and self-publishing program? Learn more about it here#1 Describe your day with creative writingThis is one of my favorite little exercises to keep my writing sharp and in shape.Just like with missing gym sessions, the less you write, the more of that skill you lose. Hannah Lee Kidder, a very talented author and Youtuber, gave me this writing exercise and I have used it many times.Creative Writing Exercise:All you have to do is sit down and describe your day starting with waking up as if you were writing it about another person. Use your creative writing skills to bring life to even the dullest moments, like showering or brushing your teeth.#2 Description Depict ion If you’re someone who struggles with writing descriptions or you just want to get better in general, this exercise will help you do just that and quickly.In order to improve your descriptions, you have to write them with a specific intention.With this exercise, the goal is to write your description with the goal of showing the reader as much as you can about your character without ever mentioning them at all.Creative Writing Exercise:For this one, craft a character in your mind. It can be one you already created or a completely new one.Pick 5 key qualities about them you want to highlight within your description. Then, without ever mentioning the character at all, describe either their living room or their bedroom to meet that goal.#3 Edit your old writingBelieve it or not, editing does count as writing and can actually sharpen those creative writing skill more than you think.It can be a little scary to pull up a story you wrote last week or even two years ago and tear it apart. But that’s exactly what I want you to do.Check out this video of me editing my old writing in order to replace weak verbs with stronger, better ones to get a taste of what this can look like and how it can help you get better. #4 Voice VariationsOne of my favorite parts of writing is giving unique voices to each character. I believe that’s what truly brings them to live. Their dialogue as the power to pull readers in, or push them out of the book completely.Obviously, you want the former.During this creative writing exercise, your focus will be to pick 4 different emotional states and write dialogue and narrative of how your character feels and interprets those feelings.Creative Writing Exercise:For this one, craft a character in your mind. It can be one you already created or a completely new one.Choose your 4 emotional states and get creative. You can choose sadness, anger, happiness, and excitement BUT you can also go a bit further and choose to use drun k, flirty, terrified, and eager.After you have 4 emotional states, write one page of each using dialogue and narrative your character would use.#5 Single SensesCreating strong visuals is one of the most powerful ways to become a great creative writer. In fact, practicing this will help you craft books that really hook readers.This exercise’s goal is to help you develop writing the senses in ways that not only make sense, but are also imaginative and unique.#6 Dialogue DestructionDuring this exercise, you will learn a lot about how to shape a scene using entirely dialogue.Now, this isn’t something you’ll always do in your writing, but it’s very important to know how to move a scene forward using dialogue if you need to.This will also help you understand how to show and not tell in creative writing.Creative Writing Exercise:To start, choose a scene you wrote previously that has little to no dialogue, but is still very important.Next, rewrite the entire th ing using dialogue (including dialogue tags and body language descriptions). You will quickly become better at using dialogue to show and not tell.#7 Tell the origin story of the Tooth FairyThis writing exercise will really help you think creatively about something a large part of the world knows about.However, you have to think of a very unique, interesting way of presenting this common idea. The purpose of this is to help you dig deeper within your own story and plot in order to come up with the very best, most unique ideas because that is what will stand out in your book.Creative Writing Exercise:Begin this story like you would any other. Develop who the very first Tooth Fairy is and understand their character. Then, start creating a backstory that coincides with how they ended up becoming the tooth fairy.Write this in full, ending with the Tooth Fairy taking their first tooth.#8 Thematic AtticThis is a fun one! The idea behind this creative writing exercise is to focus on int erpreting themes through story.Since all creative writing has an underlying theme behind it, it’s really important for you to be able to accurately depict that theme throughout the story you’re telling.Otherwise, it can get lost. Not knowing the theme can often leave readers feeling unsatisfied and rightfully so.Creative Writing Exercise:For this exercise, pick an overarching theme you want to focus on. This can be anything from equality to the difference between right and wrong.Next, craft a short story with the setting being and do your best to make sure that theme shines throughGet creative! Your attic can even contain a portal to another dimension if you really want it to.#9 Break Language BarriersThis isn’t quite what you think it is. So no, we will not be creating new languages with this exercise.Instead, we’ll be working on using unique language to describe very common, everyday occurrences and experiences.One of the beauties of creative writing is that you have the power to change the way someone sees the world. You can make it more appealing and special to them if you know how.This exercise will help you develop the skill of using a unique narrative within your story.Creative Writing Exercise:In this creative writing exercise, you’ll start by reading. You can read a new book or even some of your old writing.Highlight or copy sentences or paragraphs you think are very common experiences that most everyone in the world knows of. For example: the sunset, brushing your teeth, looking up at the sky.Your job is to rewrite these experiences in the most unique way you can using visuals that you don’t normally see in writing.Here’s an example:BEFORE The sun set beyond the trees.AFTER The trees tucked the sun in for the night.[su_box title=Creative Writing Exercise box_color=#112947 title_color=#ffffff radius=0][/su_box]Turn Your Creative Writing Idea into a Novel PUBLISH!Now that youre more ready than ever to produce a high quality book, its time to take action.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organized crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organized crime - Essay Example Nevertheless, there are certain features that characterize organized crime, which are used in investigating if a crime is organized. Organized crime involves an act of violation of law that had been pre-arranged. The planned criminal activity is for the purposes of making profit, and it entails use of threat, violence, and intimidation. Additionally, a lot of corruption evolves as the involved persons attempt to escape from arrest and prosecution. Cressey and Abadinsky have researched a lot on organized crime. However, their definition and understanding of organized crime differs. Cressey argues that organized crime makes available illicit goods as well as services to the society. He thus asserts that organized crime is part of the legitimate society though it provides illegitimate goods or services. Abadinsky claims that organized crimes are meant to provide goods and services required by the society. His description of organized crime emphasizes on the attributes that make a crime to be considered as an organized one. This essay focuses on Cressey’s and Abadinsky definitions of organized crime. Additionally, the essay will compare the two definitions. Howard Abadinsky defines organized crime as a non-ideological enterprise that encompasses individuals with close social ties, is planned on hierarchical foundation, with not less than three ranks and is aimed at acquiring power profits in addition to power. The enterprise attains the above by engaging in illegal as well as legal activities. The persons in the different ranks have different roles to play, which are assigned depending on one’s skills. Abadinsky asserts that the group does not have to share kinship ties to engage in organized crime. Abadinsky adds that, the members strive to make the enterprise part of their goals and are willing to use violence or corruption to attain their goals. Abadinsky argues that organized crime has no political goals and the membership is limited (Abadinsky 1- 6). On the other hand, Donald Cressey defines an organized crime as a crime that occupies a position in a social system and is planned to capitalize on profits through providing products and services that are legally forbidden but demanded by members of the society. Cressey argues that the main attributes that characterize organized crime include set up agreements, rules, and regulations that the members of the group perpetuating the crime must follow. As opposed to Abadinsky who asserts that some of the activities performed by organized crime groups are legal, Cressey argues that most of the activities performed by organized crime groups have antilegal attitude and do not comply with the code of conduct. Cressey posits that the enforcer, corruptor, as well as the corrupted persons in an organized crime are important in coordination of organized crime (Cressey and Finckenauer 70-73). Abadinsky categorized organized crime into two. He named the two categories as bureaucratic or corpo rate and the patrimonial or patron. Additionally, Abadinsky came up with certain attributes that define either of the two types of organized crime. The attributes include lack or ideological motive, occurs over an extended period, entails use of tactics or strategies, which have been planned over a long period. Another attribute is that organized crime is directed by rules in addition to code of ethics shared by the perpetrators. An additional attribute of organized crime is that it is aimed at creating monopoly on certain goods and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Thinking like a economist the basic vocabulary of the field Case Study
Thinking like a economist the basic vocabulary of the field - Case Study Example The position on the supply side is that college education instills the knowledge and ability the individual requires in attaining the desired quality of human capital. Additionally the demand side of college education on human capital provides that college education establishes an environment for research and development, and as such, the practicality of the human capital develops. These research and development activities require human capital and, therefore, the human capital available in colleges employed to accomplish this (Frank, New York Times). However, in order to produce an economy requires a combination of other factors such as land and labor. Although this may be true, and given the limited resources a production possibility curve becomes essential in order to identify maximum productivity. A production possibility curve is the maximum output level attainable from the combination of existing resources. This implies the efficient and wholesome use of the available resources . A variation in the factors of production leads to the inward or outward shifts in the production possibility curve depending on the effect of the variation. An inward shift in the production possibility curve implies a reduction in the factors of production, therefore, limiting the output. ... Another instance where the curve can shift inwards is during times of war where the resources aimed at production become rechanneled to facilitate the war and, therefore, reducing factors used in production leading to reduction of production. Conversely, an outward shift in the production possibility curve depicts economic growth. According to Bouman (Principles of Macroeconomics) economic growth results in the attainment of greater economic levels as a result of an increase in resources employed in production. An increase in land, capital labor or raw materials supports economic growth. Similarly, improvement in the utilization of resources for production such as technological advancement or training can also result in economic growth. On the other hand, devoting more resources to investment than to consumption increases the capital factors of production, therefore, resulting in an economic growth and an outward shift in the production possibility curve. Granted that the production process efficiently utilizes the available capital in order to operate on the production possibility curve, it is imperative that economic growth requires an increase in capital. Devoting more resources to investment, therefore, produces this effect. Although preference to consumables increases utility and provides happiness, it does not result in significant shifts, in the production possibility curve as an investment would do. An outward shift in the production possibility curve is desirable in any economy as it increases the potential of the economy to increase its production. Although the shift does not necessarily imply actual production, it depicts a potential increase in production but due to inefficiencies and unemployment in the economy the growth
Monday, November 18, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10
Ethics - Essay Example Aristotle’s Human Function Argument: Based on the human function argument, Aristotle had argued that a clear concept of happiness can be realized if the human function could be studied and understood. It reflects that every function or activity of human beings contains the goodness or happiness in it based on rationality of the function. Thus with the rational part of the human soul performing an activity or a particular function, the goodness or happiness takes place. Aristotle had considered happiness to be the best good that could have happened to a human being. Thus in order to determine the goodness in man, Aristotle’s function argument states that the function of the human needs to be ascertained. Also, according to him, human life has been stated to be common to plants, as well as to animals thereby having an active life element with rationality (Korsgaard 129-132). The arguments presented by Aristotle as part of the function argument includes: â€Å"(1) Humans must have a function, or else they would be idle, which is absurd; (2) Each human body part has a function, so the whole human must likewise have a function; (3) The human function is unique to only humans themselves; (4)Human function is not growth and nutrition because these aspects of life are shared with plant; (5)Human function is not sense perception because this aspect of life is shared with animal; (6)The part of the human soul with reason is unique to human; (7) The bare capacity of reason is insufficient to constitute a life function; and (8) Therefore, the human function is activity of the part of the soul that expresses or requires reason†(Pritchett). Failure of the Function Argument: Although Aristotle tried his best to determine the human function reflecting the happiness and goodness factors in human, his beliefs could not stand alone against the questions and criticisms that were raised. Aristotle could not place his arguments successfully as he lacked support ive arguments over the premises he focused on. He could not explain the reason for human function to be considered as unique. When he said that human function is common to plants, it raised questions on the fact as to how two things can be similar only because they share some activities in common. Also, when he stated about animals, it is not clear whether he meant to say that humans only have functions and animals do not have any function. Different functions can be associated with different features or a same function can be presented in different ways by different individuals or animals. Hence Aristotle’s arguments could not present clearly the meanings of the premises (Pritchett). Critics also could not realize how the goodness of a human being can be associated with the good performance or activity of the individual even if there is a function present in human beings. Questions could be raised on several thoughts. For example, even if it is believed to be true that goodn ess of a human is based on the good activity of the human, question arises whether it is good to be a good human or whether every the goodness of every single human can be determined the same, and so on (Korsgaard 131). Thus
Saturday, November 16, 2019
PEST Analysis: Brompton Bicycle
PEST Analysis: Brompton Bicycle Brompton Bicycle is a uk manufacturer bicycle based in Brentford, London by Andrew Ritchie in 1976. Models are named using a code to describe the handle bar type, number of gears and factory attached fixtures. An optional suffix is appended to show the inclusion of titanium upgrades. In Britain the clubs membership is changing, now 35-40% customers of Brompton are women. The average riders age has also dropped below 40. Its getting profit in uk . Brompton Bicycle is a British company that specialises in folding bicycles, commonly known as Brompton which is popular among bicycle commuters, especially in the UK, the Netherlands, and Japan. The Brompton design has remained fundamentally unchanged over three decades, although it has been steadily refined. The Brompton increases peoples independence and freedom so people can use this cycle wherever they can use. Approximately 22,000 bicycles are produced by the company each year and 70 percent are exported to asia and Europe. The compact dimensions of most folding bikes allow easy transport in public transport where travelling with a normal bike can be difficult or forbidden. We can this cycle in different style handlebar like c type handlebar, m type handlebar, s type handlebar and p type handlebar. - PEST ANALYSIS OF BROMPTON BICYCLE: Political factor: Many people are cycling on London major roads and it has nearly doubled since 2000 and TfL is targeting a 5% mode share for cycling by 2025. South West Trains is a part of Stagecoach Group, has joined forces with Brompton Bicycle to encourage passengers for cycle as part of a fully integrated low carbon journey combining bike and train. Every one like this bikes because it is efficient to ride but can be quickly folded into a package smaller than an average suitcase, so people can take wherever they like. Economic factor: Though exports account for around 75 per cent of its output, it continues to manufacture all of its bikes in the UK. Its getting profit here. Social factor: Brompton bike got a award, Mr Ritchie, who was awarded the prize that recognizes a lifetime contribution to design, he has spent 21 years perfecting to the Brompton, which is manufactured in Britain and sells around the world. At a reception in Buckingham Palace 50 years of British design genius was celebrating. Technological factor: When transporting a Brompton Bicycle by Train, Car plane or boat it would be beneficial to have a protective case. There is a need for such a protective case to also double as a fully functional bike trailer so it will attach to the rear of the bike and be used to transport light to moderate loads. - SWOT ANALYSIS OF BROMPTON BICYCLE: strength: Brompton bicycle is travel free and without booking restrictions we can use on rail, bus, underground, ferry or air services. Its that freedom to travel anywhere that gives folding bikes a magic quality. A folding bike can be new ways of travelling. Its have many colour with extra tall frame to fit tall riders. From 1976, Brompton was in business, but growth was infuriatingly slow. Today, Brompton Bicycle Ltd turns out 100 precision-crafted bikes a day from its cosy in Kew. Brompton bicycle sold in 27 international markets and servicing needs of the 200,000 Brompton users who are already on the road. They make something fashionable. People like the Brompton because its fun and it fits into their lives. In London, the bike is moving from being an issue of personal choice. On the corporate side, Brompton already leases a fleet of bikes to South West Trains at Waterloo. Mr Butler-Adams planned to provide package deals including bikes, training, storage and insurance to other companies.Brompton Bicycle is going to produce 25,000 bikes this year, achieving sales of  £7m-  £8m. Ritchie expects it to grow 25% a year under the leadership of managing director Butler-Adams. Brompton bicycle exports to markets to Netherlands, America, Germany, Japan and Scandinavia account for about 60% of its sales. weakness : Brompton bicycles seat pillars in both steel and aluminium versions. standard seat pillar, the Brompton and Brooks saddles can be up to 995mm from the ground. If customers inside leg is more than 33/84cm,he will almost need either of the longer seat pillars. So for the shorter people it can be difficult for ride. Its not adjustable as other bigger cycle. The merits and drawbacks of small and large wheels alike can be argued into the late hours. Opportunities: The Brompton is the only bike in the world to combine such ready portability with a first-class ride, and it creates countless new opportunities for using a bicycle. Malcolm Shepherd, Chief Executive of Sustrans said: Cycling England has been a crucial conduit for funding which has touched the lives of millions of people by making it possible for people to cycle for everyday journeys. And Brompton bikes are suitable for the every journey. Here are so many bike company competitor for the Brompton bikes. Alldays Onions, Bickerton- folding bikes. Boardman bikes, british eagle, claud bulter, dawes, etc.. bicycles are here. Like Brompton bickerton is also a folding cycle. It can be a main competitor. The Bickerton was a portable, aluminium folding bicycle designed by Harry Bickerton it had manufactured in the UK between 1971 and 1991. The bicycle was made of aluminium profiles and riding properties were poor, aluminium parts could never be properly locked in place. its weight and folded package size broke and it is cited by Andrew Ritchie as one of his inspirations in creating the highly successful Brompton bicycle. So the Brompton is better than any cycle thats why70% Brompton bike are exporting to asia and Europe. Threats: The UK folding bike Brompton is a curious company. Brompton bicycle exports for around 75 per cent of its output, it continues to manufacture all of its bikes in the UK. Brompton bicycles many parts are custom made so it may bring delays and extra costs for repairing than authorized dealers. The bike is less suited to long rides as most models have restricted gears. Riders requiring a bottom bracket to saddle top height of more than 715mm/28 can select an extended seat post to give a maximum saddle height of 775mm/30.5 - Before doing any business first we have to do pest analysis in that country which is following: PEST ANALYSIS OF BANGLADESH: Political environment Bangladesh is a poor nation in South Asia its gained independence in 1971 against West Pakistan .After independence, Bangladesh has established a largely moderate and democratic majority as a Muslim country. The Bangladesh National Party and the Awami League traditionally have dominated Bangladeshi politics, with the AL in government since January 2009. Bangladesh was ruled by a military-backed caretaker government led by Fakhruddin Ahmed for two years prior to the return to democracy that was ushered in by the December 2008 election. The current Hasina government came to power in free and fair elections with an overwhelming majority in parliament. Economic environment The economy of Bangladesh is a developing country its per capita income in 2008 was est. US$1,500. According to the International Monetary Fund, Bangladeshs rank w3as the 48th largest economy in the world in 2009. The economy has grown at the rate of 6-7% p.a. over the past few years. Most Bangladeshis earn their living from agriculture. Although rice and jute are the primary crops, maize and vegetables are assuming greater importance Social environment Bangladeshi population is largely Muslim. There are many dialects of Bengali spoken throughout the region. The dialect spoken by those in Chittagong and Sylhet are particularly distinctive. In 2009 the population was estimated at 156 million. Religiously, about 90% Bengali people are Muslims and the remainder are mostly Hindus. Technological environment The Bangladesh have Space Research and Remote Sensing Organisation which operates remote sensing facilities in both French and American satellites, and it is applying meteorological and geographic data to such basic problems as soil fertility, water management, forecasting, and agricultural census work. In 1986 it became the first non-American organization and it got a award by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They provided training for Bangladeshi scientists and grants of equipment and technical assistance. Bangladeshi Atomic Energy Commission operates an experimental nuclear reactor and conducts as well important agricultural research on seeds, parasites, storage of harvested crops, and irradiation. PEST ANALYSIS OF INDIA: Political environment After Indias independence on August 15, 1947, India received most of the subcontinents 562 widely scattered polities, or princely states, as well as the majority of the British provinces, and parts of three of the remaining provinces. Muslim Pakistan received the remainder. Pakistan consisted of a western wing, with the approximate boundaries of modern Pakistan, and an eastern wing, with the boundaries of present-day Bangladesh. India is a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic country with a Parliamentary form of Government. The Constitution was adopted by the Assembly on 26th November 1949 and it came into force on 26th November 1950. Economic environment India is eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity. The country began to develop a fast-paced economic growth and free market principles were initiated in 1990 for international competition and foreign investment. Per capita income in india is $1,030, ranked 139th in the world, while its per capita (PPP) of US$2,940 is ranked 128th. Indias large service industry accounts for 55% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the industrial and agricultural sector contribute 28% and 17% respectively. In 2006 India exported US$21.8 billion worth of merchandise to the United States and Indian imports from the U.S. rose 26.3% to $10.1 billion in 2006, up 146% since 2002. Social environment Current Population of India is around 1,150,000,000 (1.15 billion) people in 2010, of which Hinduism accounted for 80.5%, Islam is (13.5%), Christianity is (3.0%) and Sikhism (2.3%). these are the major religions followed by the people of India. There are 29 language in india. Technological environment The Indian software industry was grown from a mere US $ 150 million in 1991-92 to a staggering US $ 5.7 billion in 1999-2000.The annual growth rate of Indias software exported consistently over 50 percent since 1991. Indias software exports would be around $ 6.3 billion, in addition to $ 2.5 billion in domestic sale. - - PEST ANALYSIS OF NEPAL political environment An isolated, agrarian society until the mid-20th century, Nepal entered the modern era in 1951 without schools, hospitals, roads, telecommunications, electric power, industry, or civil service. The government encouraged import and export to promote good business and encourage growth which will hopefully result in a higher employment rate, higher salaries and a better standard of living for all in time. Economic environment Agriculture is Nepals principal economic activity which employing 80% of the population and providing 37% of GDP. Only about 20% of the total area is cultivable; another 33% is forested; most of the rest is mountainous. The main food crops are rice and wheat. The lowland Terai region produces an agricultural surplus is a part of which supplies the food-deficient hill areas. Export in recent years is approximately 70% of merchandise. Nepals merchandise trade balance has improved somewhat since 2000 with the growth of the carpet and garment industries. Social environment Nepals current population is 28,563,377 of which 80.6 percent are Hindu, 10.7 percent are Buddhist, 4.4% are Muslim, 3.6 percent are Kirat ,0.5 percent are Christian, and 0.4 percent are classified other groups such as Bà ¶n religion. Technological environment Nepal is a late starter in modem science and technology. it developed technological capabilities in some specific areas they are civil engineering, architecture, agriculture, metallurgy, water management, textile and paper manufacture, medicine, dyeing and food technology. PESTEL ANALYSIS IN SRI LANKA POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT Socialistic predilection in Sri Lanka was unswerving, but as time passed by it gave room for investment overseas in 1978. Board of Investment operates as a sovereign legal bureau with investment in foreign countries as a focus. BOI is authorized to yield grants to organizations that meet the basic eligibility standards on minimal investment, employment and exports. When the organization fails to meet the standards then its projects have to be sanctioned by the respective departments of the government. BOI also deals with the 10 zones of free trade, which is known as the export-processing zones. BOI possess the authorization to relieve any confinements on the FDI Eleven huge privatizations were accounted for 34% of the FDI. Nevertheless due to the instable political conditions and conflicting ethnicity the advancement on this issue is been decelerate for years. The president sketched out regarding anti-privatization economical scheme in his electoral pronunciamento known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Mahinda Chintanaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸. Various enterprises of the state which designing itself to be privatized were not approved, this includes the airports and banks. Privatize. Organization was planned to be regulated by the government which will turn the loss into a profit-making organization. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Sound rates of growth has been steady in Sri Lanka despite if its intense violence on ethnicity. Rich private demand of requirements, core industrialization, primarily the intensive labour textile industry and the advancement of domestic tea manufacturing hiked the growth rate of the economy. The well-disposed FDI policy of the government ensued the zooming inflows of capital. The deceleration in the global issues activated an acute condensation in the activities of the economy in the year 2001. Subsequently there was a recuperation in the sectors of the industries that is impelled by a firm external demand and an increased growth rates in the sectors relating to service resulted in a sizeable enlargement of economical activities though the tsunami that hit the sectors of agriculture was critically damaged. Deficits in the fiscal aspects are an important issue to the government, which has been diminishing in the years past. The current fiscal obligates to cut back deficits. There are many industries that imparts in great value to the GDP that engages greater population of the manpower, this comprises of the industry in tourism, and the service industries. When taking industries into consideration, it is the textile industry that yields greater sum of revenues in export. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Sri Lanka holds a populace of 20,238,000, of which Sinhalese constitutes about 74%, Sri Lankan Moors constitutes about 7.2%, Sri Lankan Tamils constitutes about 3.9% and the Indian Tamils constitutes about 4.6%. When religions are taken into consideration the Buddhists comprise a major share of 69.1%. Sri Lanka is prominently a rustic area that holds 79% of the population. The populace medial age is 30 and 7.8% constitute for an age group of 65 and over. The health index of Sri Lanka is fairly good when compared to other countries in Asia. The government has an expenditure of 46.3% from the 4% of the aggregate GDP for medical expenses of the country. The expected life span is 73.4yrs of the aggregate populace. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The telecom sphere was improved to an incredible extent in terms of liberalizing right in the 90à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s. Act of Sri Lankan Telecommunication of 1991 founded the Sri Lanka telecom also known as the SLT, it awarded the permit to function in the global system. - After analyzing the market we have found out that there is huge market opportunity in Sri Lanka to sell folding bikes. Due to low price there are more chances that Brompton folding bikes can become the market leader successfully after some time because of many reasons such as low cost, already operation exist in Sri Lanka and due to climate condition. If we talk about local competition, it is very less. The local players get the help by the government also where the government has distributed a project to provide good cycle facility supply to those households. Im a manager of this product and i want to make profit thats why Im going to launch this product in south asia. I will launch this product in sri lanka and will export in 3 other countries, they are Bangladesh, india and Nepal. It will be better to launch this product in south asia because there labour cost will be low and we can sell this cycles in low cost. Brompton bicycles cost in uk is  £600 and over. Here, labour cost is expensive than south asia so we cant export from here. In south asia there is a scope for this product. There is a great number of people who are using bicycle but they arent like Brompton they cant fold, they are difficult for their journey. so it will be a new kind of cycle in south asia. I can make a profit. It will be cheaper so most of the people will buy it. I can make a market over there. Here are different types to entering new market they are: Export Joint venture FDI Strategic alliances Among these methods im going to use joint venture method because it will be better for my profit if i will export from here it will cost expensive. First i will go sri lanka and will talk in srilankan embassy, i will choose one cycle company as my partner over there and i will do good business over there and will make profit. 4PS ABOUT THE PRODUCT: Product: my product is folding bicycle. Price: labour cost will be low so per cycle it will cost  £90. Place: i will open my company in Colombo kingdom of sri lanka because there i can gget more facility than other place. Promotion: The literacy rate is 92% in Sri Lanka which is considered as a good rate. To sell the Brompton folding bikes every company more emphasizes on direct marketing such as event or trade show and personal selling. We will give this news first all over in sri lanka later 3 other countries by tv news and international news paper. MARKETING PLAN: Our product have made plan for Brompton folding bicycle for next five yrs. To increase our sale and profit we will spend half of our advertisement budget on personal selling because by this only we can aware consumers about our products and persuade consumers to buy the products. PRODUCTION CAPACITY: During the first year, product will be imported to Sri Lanka And later the demand of the product goes 3 other countries to have a manufacturing Unit can also be considered. This will result in better pricing of the product will result in more sales and Profits. BUDGET: Selling expenses: Staff salaries, Sales support and distribution staff expenses are included. The total expenditure is  £ 1210000.00 Sales and advertisement: For radio advertisement = £5000 Newspaper/magazine = £6000 Tv ad = £25000 Sales promotion = £250000 including customer awareness program Customer oriented = £200000 Trade oriented = £750000 Support line = £600000
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